Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Arkansas is known for unpredictable weather changes but 
this week has been ridiculous!
Our cows and calves had less than 24 hours to adapt from a 
beautiful 70 degree fall day to what felt like January bone-chilling
twenty degrees with a little sleet and snow. 

We prepared as best we could by unrolling hay
for the cows to rest on and bedding calf hutches  
with extra hay or shavings for warmth. 

I'm thankful that this baby was born on the 70 degree day
before the chilly weather

and all the calves survived with no symptoms of  illness
or hypothermia.

                                                  I'm also very appreciative of  and thankful for
                                              the warm insulated coveralls that  kept me warm
                                                                  and a little less cranky!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thank a Veteran

Bill Anglin, my father-in-law, served in the Army during
World War II.  Part of his service time was spent in Japan
as a medic.  Bill never talked about his war experience but
we know that he witnessed much pain and suffering during his
time of service.  He was like many others that returned to their homes
and communities and went about living life to the fullest with
their families. Although  returning home was a victory ,  there was
a great awareness of and appreciation for those that gave all for 
the protection of freedom.

We continue to enjoy the freedom to farm and
live as we choose because of the brave men and women
who have served and are serving to protect our freedoms.

                                                           Many thanks to every Veteran!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

I returned from a trip to Little Rock just in time
to check on the calves during their afternoon feeding.
It was a dreary,rain threatening afternoon and already getting
dark when I made my way to the hutches.

The calves were already finished with their afternoon milk
and were enjoying the grain that had been added to their feed
bucket.  With the threat of rain, I was glad to see that 
each calf  had their head down in the feed bucket.

I'm not quite adjusted to the  Daylight Savings time change that 
occurred this past Sunday but 
I'm thankful that our calves don't seem to be bothered at all.

Their  growth and development goes right on
as long as we provide milk and grain twice daily and monitor 
closely for any illness.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Happy Halloween!

I hope your day was filled with more treats than tricks.
Other than our crazy cold last day of October weather,
the treats down on the dairy farm far outweighed the tricks.

I'm thankful for the healthy new calf that was born this morning
for the smiles brought to us by 
 the cutest Goldilocks and little Baby Bear. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

School nutrition is serious business.
I saw it first hand   last weekend when I was invited to 
attend the Missouri School Nutrition Conference  as part of a
presentation with Midwest Dairy and Domino Pizza.

Before our "My Plate,My Pizza,My Farmer"  presentation, I was awed by the food 
trade show that included a wide variety of available 
foods that schools can choose to serve.
The trick is to choose foods that fit the requirements for dietary 
guidelines, stay within the school budget and most importantly, that  the 
students will eat.

As a dairy farmer, I'm proud of the nutritious milk 
and dairy foods that we produce and for the support of
 companies like Domino's that not only love our product
 but have developed a food that meets dietary guidelines
 and tastes good. Domino's Smart Slice Pizza  is made 
fresh where local franchise stores participate in
 providing it for schools.

I had my own slice of Smart Slice and it was delicious!

I'm thankful for the support Domino's has shown to dairy farmers,
for the opportunity to share how we work on the dairy to produce 
high-quality milk, and 

for the convenience of foods that make life a little easier
when the dairy farmer takes a day off from the farm 
and a day out of  the kitchen!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

                                        What's prettier than a new Holstein mother and baby ?
                            The answer is a beautiful red Ayrshire with a black and white calf.

                             This was an expected outcome when you use a Holstein bull for
                                    breeding the herd of cows but it's always exciting to find
                                                              a "new " look in the field!
                            The Ayrshire cattle in our milking herd  were added by our son Cody
                                                during his 4-H dairy project years and continue
                                                                to add beauty to the herd.
                              Ayrshire cattle originated from Scotland and are known for low
                            somatic cell counts, ability to convert grass into milk efficiently,
                             and hardiness. The breed is known for easy calving and longevity.

This new baby was born the week of our two terrific lightening and storm 
events that brought a lot of rain and destruction.
I'm thankful that we had no loss of life, human or animal, during these
storm events and for the life lesson to put no faith in surge protectors!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

 Saturday afternoon was the perfect example of farmer flexibility.
You can have all kinds of plans but when the neighbor calls
to report a wandering heifer  running down the road, all plans change.

We jumped in the truck and drove up and down the road looking
for the same heifer that has been out of the pasture more than once.
After she was located in the neighbor's yard, Cody arrived with the
4-wheeler and we drove her back to the pasture. 

Of course,the heifer had no thought of going through 
the gate we had opened.She ran back to the spot where the fence
 was down and jumped over it with the grace of a deer. 
It certainly made it easy to find where the tree had
 fallen on the fence that   needed repair!

While Cody and Ryan fixed fence, all of the curious 
heifers moved in to check things out.

I loved seeing this group of bred heifers gather around 
through the timber. Each of these beauties have been raised by us
 and will give birth to their first calf in a few months.

I'm thankful that there was only one heifer that found the
way out, for our neighbors that  care enough to call
when a cow or heifer may be found wandering in the neighborhood
and for the dedicated dairy farmers committed to taking good care 
of their cows and heifers.