Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

                                                   Not all birthdays are celebrated with cake,

August is a celebration of  life down on the dairy farm.

This new baby was born after midnight and was taken to 
its own clean hutch, fed colostrum from its mother
and monitored   for  any health issues. Calves grow up to 
become the cows that produce milk, so we are committed 
to getting them off to a healthy start.

I'm thankful for the healthy calves born this month, 
the unexpected help bottle feeding the new August calves

                                      for the opportunity to celebrate  life down on the dairy
                                                        farm with the next generation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

"Foodie Friday"  was a fun food experience provided
during the Megaphone 19 Influencer conference.
We started the event by tasting our way through local food businesses at 
8th Street Market  and ending with cheese and wine pairing.

My favorite experience was the demonstration of Brightwater 
culinary chef Aria Kagan making Fresh Mozzarella.

Chef Kagan gave us the step by step directions.
Although she made it look easy, I think I would want to practice a few times before
the party!

Fresh Mozzarella requires the use of  a water bath made of 4 cups warm 
water plus 2 Tablespoons salt and 2 pounds of fresh Mozzarella curd.

My friend Kerri captured the fun part of this recipe perfectly as Chef Kagan 
was working with the cheese.

I may never attempt making fresh mozzarella but 
I am thankful to be a producer of the milk that brings great joy 
And provides many delicious and nutritious dairy foods.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

When I spotted this new calf lying next to the fence in the 
 early evening,she was all alone. It was only a few seconds
 before Mama joined us to make sure I was not a threat.

  I thought it was a perfect example of how the mothering instinct
 kicks in to protect her baby.The sun filtering through the trees
 seemed to put her in the spotlight!

I'm thankful for a healthy new calf  born on one of the 
hottest August days without any complication to the mother's health!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Storytelling Celebration

A little more than nine years ago  with the urging of
 Midwest Dairy, I stepped out of my comfort
zone into the world of blogging and social media 
 to tell our dairy story.  Spotted Cow Review 
has been my dairy storytelling place ever since. 

I celebrated my  storytelling adventure this past weekend
by attending the Megaphone Summit 2019 that was held in
my hometown of Bentonville.

Sponsors of the conference made it possible for a wide variety 
of speakers that presented  on all things blogging and social media
 and what I would call "self improvement".
A very big Thank-You to each sponsor and the host 
of the conference Soapbox Influence!

Over the last nine years, I have attended several blogging 
conferences hosted in Arkansas. For me, the very best part of each
conference is the people I have met and the inspiration
I feel by listening to others' stories.

                                                        Cheers to Storytelling!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Have you ever thought about the variety in a cow's diet?
Today we started chopping a field of hay grazer grass that was 
planted late this spring.

We're adding it to the milking cow's daily feed ration that has been 
formulated by our dairy nutritionist.

I call this green chop " cow candy" because it's obvious by the 
increased milk production it is benefiting both cow and farmer. 

There is much beauty in every farm activity.
As I look across the field at the farmers working together
to harvest the crop,

I'm thankful for my family of farmers 
and the crop to feed our cows.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

We couldn't have asked for better hay baling weather this past week.
It was hot and dry and the last bale was rolled up before the rain shower.

Harvesting hay requires planning that includes the time needed for cutting,
raking and baling. Watching the weather forecast is part of that planning
but sometimes even the best plan can be surprised by the pop-up shower.
We're still looking for that perfect app for weather predicting!

I'm thankful for the harvest of this dry hay that will 
provide our dairy and beef  cows with the nutrition 
needed this fall and winter.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Farming is dangerous business.
It seems especially dangerous when moving large,wide
equipment from field to field when it requires moving on
 narrow country roads or entering a highway that is full of 
vehicles that are not too happy to share the road with 
a slower moving tractor.

One of my jobs this last week was to follow the tractor
 and planter as we moved to the next field. I held my breath
 a few times on the dirt road when we met a car or truck
 but my fits of anxiety were worth it just getting to
 enjoy the canopy of trees that shaded
 this old country road. 

I'm thankful for these moments of inspiration
provided by the beauty around us,

for the farmer that loves to plant a crop for his cows to enjoy,

                                          for the curiosity of heifers when you open the gate
                                                                 to the field next door!