Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Celebration

Our Labor Day celebration started early this morning with 
the arrival of three new calves.Welcoming new life on the dairy farm
 is always  a great way to start the day!

New babies are taken to their individual calf hutch where we can monitor 
them closely, make sure they receive good nutrition and are protected from 
other members of the herd and bad weather.

                                              Caring for these babies is my daily labor of love.
                           It's a priority to make sure these calves get off to a healthy start because
                                  they will grow to become the cows that produce nutritious milk.

                                                              From down on the dairy farm,

                                                              Happy Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Even though it was almost dusk when the custom silage chopper
 pulled into the first corn field this week, it was decided to open the
 field and get the process started. 

As I waited for the chopping to begin, it suddenly seemed like fall.
As darkness covered the field, the air became chilly. 
I was wishing for jeans and a long sleeved shirt instead of my shorts.
Even a big pot of chili sounded good.
Can it really be fall in August?

We didn't haul too many loads to the silo  that first evening but 
 I am so thankful for the corn crop that will be used to 
feed our dairy cows through this fall and winter.

Ready or not---I think fall is sneaking up on us!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for the August rain that has made  this second cutting 
of hay grazer forage possible,

brought a smile to the farmer's face when  finding filled out corn ears
 that will soon be turned into feed for our dairy cows,


                                 provided the opportunity to hear one of Hattie's new words,
                                                                          " rainin' "!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Do you notice anything unusual in this picture?
A mud puddle in August!

As you can see, the cows are crowding together because like
 a bunch of naughty kids,they are looking to lay down in that mud.

                                     I'm thankful for the unusual amount of rainfall we have
                                      received in August that is restoring pastures dried  by
                               summer heat, watering our crops that will be harvested this fall
                                and providing a little fun relief for our much loved dairy cows.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Although our days on the dairy farm are busy and filled with
 a variety of challenges, 

I'm thankful for the smiles that come with these two tractor drivers
 and the opportunity we have to watch the fifth generation
 embrace life on the farm.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

As I turned into the driveway late this afternoon, 
I saw this group of pregnant cows resting in the shade.
It was a perfect picture for the word content.

                                   It was obvious the cows are enjoying the lower temperature
                                            and humidity for the first two days of August.
                                  Although I know these cooler temperatures are just a pause in
                                         our usual summer heat, I'm thankful for the comfort
                                                  provided for the cows and the farmers.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dairy Farm Magic

As I was watching the hay mowing cutter go across the field yesterday, 
I thought back to late last fall when Hattie and I were watching the 
manure spreader go in a similar pattern spreading  liquid cow manure.

From brown to green...a little dairy farm manure  magic!

 Cow manure is a nutrient used to fertilize fields that are 
part of our dairy farm's nutrient management plan.

Utilizing our  cows' manure is  an important part of our farm's
 sustainability because it adds organic material to the soil, 
increases the water holding capacity of the land and
decreases the amount of commercial fertilizer that is purchased.

                                             A perfect picture of a farmer working his magic!