Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Although it's not quite spring according to the calendar,
we've already started celebrating down on the dairy farm this week  by 
bringing home a few heifers that will soon have their first calf.

Since a heifer has never experienced having a baby, 
it's our job to monitor them closely in case assistance is needed.

                                                   I'm thankful for every spring delivery!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

How could you not love the smiles of 160  Pea Ridge kindergarten students?
That was my thought as I watched each child take their turn milking 
 Franny, the Arkansas Farm Bureau cow.

                                    I'm so thankful for opportunities to provide information
                                           about agriculture by telling our dairy story
                                            for  dedicated teachers that bring hands on
                                                  learning experiences to their students.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Valentines down on the dairy farm come in all shapes,sizes and species.

I'm very thankful for all the Valentines in my life--

the baby calf born this week,

my husband who provided cards and flowers,

my Mother who baked cookies and took the family to dinner,

my family and friends that spent time with me this week,


 Hattie Claire

                                                                my sweetest Valentine !

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Benton County Judge Barry Moehring signed the official
 proclamation declaring this week as Benton County Farm Bureau Week.
This event is the kick-off to our county membership drive.

                                I'm thankful to be a member of an organization that advocates
                        the interests of agriculture in the public arena,disseminates information
                        concerning the value and importance of agriculture and provides products
                            and services which improve the quality of life for all our members.

Not everyone can be a farmer,
but everyone can be a Farm Bureau member!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Was it a conspiracy or just an invitation to come play in the pasture?

Even pregnant cows resting in the pasture and waiting 
on their delivery date need a little fun!

 I'm thankful for the moments of unexpected humor provided by
                                             these innocent scenes down on the dairy farm.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ayrshire Personality

What's not to love about a sweet red Ayrshire calf?
Even at three days old, this baby, that we call Red,  has a mind of her own.

Those ears are not just standing out because  she loves me!
She was letting me know that she didn't really like that
 first lesson of learning to drink from a bucket.

We transition all of our babies from drinking  a bottle of milk
 to drinking milk from a bucket when the calf is three or four days old. 
Once the calf is drinking milk from the bucket, 
we add a handful of grain after the milk is consumed.

It's amazing that most calves will drink from the bucket 
after two feedings but it's not unusual to have a calf that
 requires a little more help.
We monitor them closely at each feeding to make sure all the 
milk is consumed and give them help as needed.I'm pretty sure
 Red will be one of those that requires a little more assistance.
It may be that red hair!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

As you can see,being a dairy farm dog is a tough job.

While we were feeding calves late in the afternoon,
Lily was taking advantage of the bed of shavings.

                                      I'm thankful for the companionship and the smiles that
                                     our farm dogs provide everyday down on the dairy farm.