Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chick Whispering

It was all in a day of fun learning about Arkansas agriculture that Russell Jones Elementary fourth and fifth grade  students turned into chick whisperers! 
As the students held the chicks, we provided information about how  farmers care for the chicks  to provide food for our families.  It's pretty amazing that even though we don't have any formal education for chick whispering, the students are experts!
One observation about chick whisperers--they always smile when holding a baby chick!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Arkansas Dairy Supports Ditch the Rule

After little rain in the month of April, mud puddles and water standing in the pastures and fields is a welcome sight. This has always been a very expected outcome after a good rain in Northwest Arkansas!
Normal Arkansas weather outcomes  could become costly if the Environmental Protection Agency, lovingly known as the EPA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps)  get there way in proposing the rule to change the definition of "waters of the U.S." and expand the range of waters that fall under federal jurisdiction.
Can you imagine needing a permit for a mud hole? Sounds silly, but under the proposed rule change, it's not impossible. It goes deeper than just water--it would impact common farming practices that have existed for years. The rule change would make it more difficult for private landowners to farm and ranch, build homes or make changes to the land--even if the changes that landowners propose would benefit the environment.
Even if you live in the city, you can be affected by this rule change because cities and counties would be subject to new rules or standards that will increase the cost to citizens by requiring increased  permitting of more ditches  that will be more time-consuming and expensive for local and state  governments. 
You can learn more about the impact of this law change and how you can help oppose this law   at Ditch the Rule.
We already follow rules enacted by the Clean Water Act and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and  use best management practices that help us to protect our natural resources for our cows, our family and our community. 
I support Ditching this Rule!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Rain and chilly weather lingered most of today in Northwest Arkansas.
Wearing coats and gloves this afternoon while feeding calves was  a  sure sign of "blackberry winter"  on the dairy farm.
I'm thankful for the late afternoon sunshine  and the  spring rain that we so desperately needed
to refresh  our grass for the  cows to enjoy

lift our spirits with new surprises of   color in the garden.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rollin' On the Dairy

We're rollin' on  the dairy...spring harvest of rye and wheat has begun!
Part of the crop is being chopped and hauled from the field to the silo but the rest of it will be wrapped in plastic and allowed to ferment for feeding later in the year.
I was called to field duty late Saturday afternoon to assist in getting the last few bales hauled home to be wrapped.  Once we got to the wrapper, my job was to stand by the wrapper and be ready to push the STOP button if needed. Fortunately, everything worked properly and I did not get in trouble for doing the wrong thing!
It wasn't a bit hard to enjoy the afternoon sunshine with a thankful heart for this crop that will provide nutritious feed for our dairy cows.
 Working with my family while we're Rollin' on the Dairy is just one of the perks for living and working on our family dairy farm.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

My life has been blessed by  this experience called motherhood--
make that double blessed!
It's hard to believe I've had twenty-six years of these blessings!

The older I grow, I  also realize how lucky I've been to have a Mother that has loved and nurtured me, supported and encouraged me, guided me with wisdom and patience and shared her faith in God every step of the way.
                                                         Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

We're on duty around the clock during spring calving season to make sure that our dairy cows have a healthy delivery. I'm thankful for this "special delivery" that happened without any complications  in the middle of a hectic day  down on the dairy farm.
Mother Nature always has perfect timing!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sustainable Dairy Farming

For the last few days, we've been harvesting (also known as "green chopping")  the spring crop of wheat and rye grass that will be included in the balanced diet for our cows to enjoy this summer.
It's a perfect example of how we recycle on the farm and protect the environment.
Cow manure is recycled as fertilizer for crops by following a farm plan designed specifically  for our farm that guides the amount, source and placement and timing of manure on fields.  Utilizing cow manure as fertilizer adds organic matter to the soil and helps the soil hold moisture. Manure nutrients are absorbed by crops and not groundwater which fits perfectly with federal, state and local clean water laws.
It's true...Earth Day is Everyday on the dairy farm!