Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2022

Winter's Last Hurrah

With the end of February and the turning of the calendar, we all have that 
hope and realization that spring is just around the corner.
However, March seldom gives up those last winter weather days.

As I faced the north wind and blowing snow this morning, I
was pretty sure that Winter was shouting its last hurrah and 
probably having a good laugh!

Fluctuating temperatures like we have experienced this month
are very stressful for the calves and often bring illness
such as pneumonia and scours. 

Providing  blankets to keep them warm, providing
warm milk twice daily, bedding the hutches with straw 
 or shavings and monitoring each calf  closely is 
 our everyday farmer job.

These jonquil blooms earlier this week
were just a little bit early for real spring

                                  but they did confirm the hope and promise of  spring is real!


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Just before this week's winter sleet and thunder storm,
we welcomed a new Holstein heifer calf.
Her mother was standing back just watching her new baby
while the other cow was trying so hard to
be a substitute mother.  If we could only explain to her
that she will have her very own calf in just a short time!

I'm so thankful that this new baby was born
on a warmer, balmier weather day,

 we had no bone breaking falls on  the ice
and can still  marvel at winter's beauty.

Come on Spring--we're ready!!


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

One of the best things about farm living is that we have
so many  moments  that fit the old phrase
 "a picture is worth a thousand words".

The sun has been more than welcome in helping to melt off
the two weeks of cold temperatures, ice and snow.
Last week we had cows calving in below zero temperatures and
today's baby arrived with a warm forty degrees.
Isn't is amazing what a difference the sunshine makes to our stress level?

In the very same day, I received a box of sunshine from my
dear friend that is working every day as a nurse during the 
pandemic of our lifetime.
In her very own words, "a little ray of healthy vitamin C and
sunshine". She's my hero!

I'm thankful for the sunshine gifts of life and love
that God sends us everyday! 


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Sunday was truly a snow day--
it snowed all day long. It has been 
 a very long time since we have experienced a snow day
 and like  many of our friends and neighbors,
it seemed a welcome change in our daily lives that 
have been impacted by all the changes brought to us during this pandemic.

 A snow is much more welcome
than freezing rain or inches of ice that can be hazardous
to the cows walking  and  for the farmers  trying to care for them.
It's always our daily job to make sure that the cows and
calves have plenty of feed and water to meet their 
nutritional needs. Colder temperatures with a blanket of
snow made the day's work even more important 
to make sure plenty of calories were provided for 
the stress of increased cold weather conditions.

Most of the calves were eager to drink their warm milk 
                                            but   a few needed a little coaxing to enter out into 
                                              their first   experience  with  six inches of snow.

                                I'm thankful for the refreshed feeling brought with  this first
                                 snow of the season, for the magical landscape created by snow,
                                              and the reminder of how God blesses us
with the beauty provided in nature  down on the dairy farm.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Arkansas is known for unpredictable weather changes but 
this week has been ridiculous!
Our cows and calves had less than 24 hours to adapt from a 
beautiful 70 degree fall day to what felt like January bone-chilling
twenty degrees with a little sleet and snow. 

We prepared as best we could by unrolling hay
for the cows to rest on and bedding calf hutches  
with extra hay or shavings for warmth. 

I'm thankful that this baby was born on the 70 degree day
before the chilly weather

and all the calves survived with no symptoms of  illness
or hypothermia.

                                                  I'm also very appreciative of  and thankful for
                                              the warm insulated coveralls that  kept me warm
                                                                  and a little less cranky!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Last Saturday afternoon it rained snow down on the dairy farm.
I suppose we should not have been surprised after a variety of weather
 during the week that included record high temperatures.
 tornado watches and rain storms.

Even the cattle seemed  surprised  and a little confused
 by the variety of weather!

                                     I'm thankful for the beauty of a little winter snow and for
                                      the fact that it is  probably the only snow for this winter!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

It seemed like the calves were celebrating the first day of 
winter with a moooving song  while waiting on their morning milk.

Since it's just a few days before Christmas, 
they may have been singing their version of Jingle Bells
 or letting us know how they appreciated a warmer
 morning with bright sunshine.

Although we don't like to dwell on the type of winter weather we may face,
I'm thankful for the warm sunlight and the promise of longer daylight hours.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Grilled Cheese for Adults

A grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of soup has often been a quick meal when we've been working late on the farm, especially during cold winter days. Midwest Dairy's  Hot and Sweet Grilled Cheese looks like a perfect adult tasting supper  with that mixture of peach preserves and jalapeno pepper to add a little spice!

Hot and Sweet Grilled Cheese


For Peach Jalapeno Jam:
3 tablespoons peach preserves
1/2 fresh jalapeno,seeded and finely chopped

For sandwiches:
11/2 tablespoons unsalted butter,softened
4 slices 12-grain bread
2 slices white Cheddar cheese
2 slices Pepper
Jack cheese
2 slices smoked Gouda cheese
1/2 small avocado, thinly sliced


For peach jalapeno jam, combine peach preserves and jalapeno in a small saucepan over medium heat.
Stir mixture constantly until the preserves are melted. Remove from heat and set aside.

For sandwiches, preheat a large nonstick or cast iron skillet over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Butter one side each of 2 slices of bread. Turn buttered slices over, buttered side down, and spread jam over the second side of each bread slice. On top of jam side of each bread slice, layer 1 slice of white Cheddar cheese, 1 slice of Pepper Jack cheese, half the slices of avocado and 1 slice of smoked Gouda cheese. Spread jam on the 2 remaining slices of bread and place jam side onto the cheese. Spread remainder of butter on bread on top of sandwiches.

Place sandwiches buttered side down in preheated pan. Partially cover with a lid, allowing steam to escape, and cook for 11/2 to 2 minutes or until bread is toasted and browned. Flip sandwiches over with a spatula. Partially cover with a lid and cook for an additional 11/2 to 2 minutes, watching carefully for the bread to brown and the cheese to melt. Remove sandwiches from heat and cut in half. Serve warm.

Cook's tip: Cooking time depends on your cook-top and cookware. It's better to go slow and give the cheese time to melt while the bread gets toasty brown. If the bread is browned but the cheese hasn't completely melted or if you are making several sandwiches to serve, place the sandwiches in a 250 degree oven on an baking sheet to continue warming and keep bread crisp.

Yield: 4 servings

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Dairy cattle are cared for around the clock 365 days a year.
During these cold,snowy days, I love  watching the cows gather around the hay feeders to enjoy the crop that we harvested on a hot summer day. We care for our dairy cows everyday by providing  a nutritious diet,good medical care and healthy living conditions.

Even though the snow is beautiful and moisture for the soil is appreciated, I'm thankful that we are approaching the end of winter!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for the beauty of winter,
 the promise of spring,

that no matter the season,
we're producing high-quality milk by caring for our animals and the land we call home.