Showing posts with label weather prediction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather prediction. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Dairyfarmer's Thankful Thursday

The calves don't seem to be a bit concerned with the
prediction of a thunderstorm. Each calf eagerly drank their milk and
began eating grain as soon as we delivered it to each bucket this 
morning under a slightly threatening set of storm clouds.
We are not always good at guessing what happens with the weather but
neither is the weatherman!

Although the calves tolerate the heat well, I am watching each one carefully
for signs of dehydration or lack of appetite that can be early signs of
 heat stress or illness.
These babies will grow to become the cows that produce milk, so we are 
committed to getting them off to a healthy start with daily consistent care.

I'm thankful when the rain holds off long enough
for the calves to eat their grain,

the hay to get baled,

                                    and for the fact that we can celebrate  eating and making
                                         ice cream during the predictably hot month of July!