Showing posts with label veteran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veteran. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Reflection

Even though it's another day of work on the dairy farm,
Memorial Day for us is always a  time
 for remembrance and thankfulness for the men and women 
who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we have the
 freedom to farm and all the freedoms we Americans enjoy.

Ryan's Dad served in Japan during World War II.
 Fortunately for us, he did return home.
Although he  never talked about the war, 
we knew it was  a life changing experience from the way he 
loved us and shared his love of country.

We must never forget the sacrifices of those serving to protect our freedoms .
I'm grateful for this day of remembrance across our great nation.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day Remembrance

When I look at these old pictures of my dad, the Navy boy, and Ryan's dad, the Army guy, I find it hard to imagine how the world really was when each enlisted to serve our nation. As I placed the flowers on their graves yesterday for Memorial Day, I felt fortunate to have known and loved  such great men  that served  their country and instilled a love for  our nation   in both Ryan and myself.
I'm grateful for  the men and women who have given their all for our country for  the freedoms we enjoy. Memorial Day gives us an opportunity to remember the sacrifices made for all of us.

God Bless America!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Memorial Day Tradition

When I arrived at the cemetery today to decorate the graves of family members, I was surprised to see two men walking through the cemetery.  The men were checking a list on a clipboard and pulling a small wagon that was full of flags. Row by row, they were placing a flag by each veteran's grave. I found out that these men were continuing  a tradition that their grandmother had started  to show her appreciation for the sacrifice others had made for the freedoms we enjoy today. 

All the freedoms we enjoy today have come with a cost.  Looking across the cemetery with a strong wind blowing, each flag appeared to be standing at  attention and givng a salute. It was a perfect picture to remind me of all the freedoms that we enjoy as a nation because of the sacrifice of others.

                                                                    God Bless America!