Showing posts with label turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turkey. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Thanksgiving is a holiday of  giving thanks for our bounty of blessings and
gathering around the table with family and friends. Like most families,
we will take the opportunity to tell family stories and reminisce about
those who we are missing around the table.

The woman in this picture is my Great Grandmother Harral holding my 
grandmother. Their farm was just a little over a mile from where I live 
today. I would imagine that they enjoyed a home raised turkey for
their Thanksgiving dinner in the early 1900's.

By the time I met my Great Grandmother, the turkeys and apple
orchard were gone but she always had marshmallows in the 
cookie jar waiting for little hands to pick for a sweet snack!

I'm thankful for the memories we have to share with others
and the opportunity to make new memories for the next generation.

Happy Thanksgiving 
from down on the dairy farm!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Turkey Treasures

Thanksgiving brings to mind so many past memories that I treasure and allows a time of reflection about my family and our family heritage.  Just over the hill and across a few pastures from where I live today, is the farmstead of my great grandparents.  Little did I know that I would become a dairy farmer and live so close to my family's roots!

Turkey is always the center of attraction for my family's Thanksgiving meal.  My first turkey encounters as a small child happened when we made trips (seven miles seemed like a long trip on curvy roads) from the city (Bentonville) to see my great-grandparents.  My great grandparents were raising turkeys in the early 1920's when my dad was a baby.  I cherish this picture of my great-grandmother Martha holding my dad in the middle of her turkeys.

Arkansas is the third largest turkey producing state in the nation, led by Minnesota and North Carolina. Instead of roaming freely on the range or in pastures as in past days, turkeys today are raised in modern turkey houses that have controlled temperature and provide safety from predators.  It is possible for us to enjoy turkey on Thanksgiving and a variety of turkey products through the year because of improved genetics,feed formulations, modern farming practices and the dedication of farm families (

What do you treasure at Thanksgiving?