Showing posts with label summer weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

It was  a date with the farmer...
the Sunday afternoon crop check.
Our date time was spent driving 
to different fields that are growing the crops 
our dairy cows will be enjoying this fall and winter.

With so little rain in the days after planting the crops,
we were happy to see this field of healthy hay-grazer 
that will be baled and wrapped in a few short weeks.

As Ryan walked through the middle of the field checking 
for bugs that might be grazing on the crop,
 my thoughts turned to the unique life we lead.
It's not  everyone  that  goes on a bug finding date!

                                             I'm thankful for the rain that we have received
                                                in the last two weeks to save our crops and
                                         for the farmer with unwavering faith and optimism.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Do you notice anything unusual in this picture?
A mud puddle in August!

As you can see, the cows are crowding together because like
 a bunch of naughty kids,they are looking to lay down in that mud.

                                     I'm thankful for the unusual amount of rainfall we have
                                      received in August that is restoring pastures dried  by
                               summer heat, watering our crops that will be harvested this fall
                                and providing a little fun relief for our much loved dairy cows.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

As I turned into the driveway late this afternoon, 
I saw this group of pregnant cows resting in the shade.
It was a perfect picture for the word content.

                                   It was obvious the cows are enjoying the lower temperature
                                            and humidity for the first two days of August.
                                  Although I know these cooler temperatures are just a pause in
                                         our usual summer heat, I'm thankful for the comfort
                                                  provided for the cows and the farmers.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

There's nothing unusual about experiencing hot and humid
 weather in Northwest Arkansas during  July.

When we start the early morning at 81 degrees, 
I am thankful for the cloudy, overcast sky that offers a little relief 
for the dairy  cows while they are eating from the feed wagons

 the weed pullers in the garden!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hide and Seek

Just as we started feeding baby calves this morning, this cute little Holstein bull  was born.
We put a red neck tag on him and left him in the field with his Ayrshire  mother.

Late in the afternoon, I saw his mother standing in the shade with the other cows without her baby. 
It's way too hot to be playing hide and seek!
After riding the 4-wheeler  around the pasture in search of the baby, I found him resting in the grass.

I guess he decided  it was just too hot to tag along with mom!
His  mom appeared within a minute of my arrival in front of the calf
 and quickly let me know   who was in charge...and that 
the game of hide and seek was over.

Mama and baby are doing well in spite of our 100 degree weather!