Showing posts with label spring beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring beauty. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Finding this new baby hiding in the buttercups was a little like playing 
hide and seek with granddaughter Hattie. The obvious clue was the
 Holstein mother standing close by just waiting for recognition!

It's a comfort during these days of COVID19 to  experience 
normal activities down on the dairy farm.
Our daily mission of caring for our animals and producing safe, 
nutritious  high-quality milk has not changed.

I'm thankful for our dedicated employees that have come
to work everyday and for the fact that all are still healthy,

for the surprise visits from our flower loving,watering girl Hattie,

and for the beauty around us
confirming who is in control of all circumstances