Showing posts with label moving day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving day. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

It was moooving day this week!
The move did not include any packing material or boxes--
just calves that enjoyed kicking up their heels with
 the excitement of  a new experience.
The oldest calves  in the calf hutches (at least three months old)
 were moved from their individual hutches to a small pasture
 where they will begin  living together as a herd. 

Before being put on the trailer,
each calf received a vaccination to protect them from 
common calf diseases and a dose of wormer.
This weaning process began  weeks before moving  day by
transitioning them from milk to water and a grain that is
 formulated for the growth of an older calf.

Weaned calves continue to be monitored closely for 
any signs of illness during their twice a day feeding in 
the pasture.  

I'm thankful for each of these calves
that we have raised from their
first day of life  down on the dairy farm

                                               the future production of high-quality milk

                                                 that begins with a healthy calf.