Showing posts with label milking procedure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milking procedure. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

When we have visitors to the farm we often get the
question about how many times do we milk everyday.
Our cows are milked twice a day beginning at seven in the 
morning and seven at night. Between milking times, 
the cows are eating their balanced feed ration that is made available 
in the barn and pasture , drinking water and resting in the pasture.

All the procedures for both milking times are the same but
the evening milking does have a more calm atmosphere with
less people working outside,the setting of the sun and the cool of the
evening bringing a refreshment from the heat of the day.

I'm thankful for these dairy barn night lights
 that are a sign that the milking of cows 
continues  on our family farm 

                                              that even in the year of a health pandemic in
                                                   our communities and across our nation,
                                        dairy farm families like us are working day and night
                                                to provide nutritious, high-quality milk.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dairy Q&A

How many times a day do you milk your cows?

We milk our dairy cows in the milking herd   twice a day, every day of the year.
 Some dairy farms milk three times a day. 
Milking equipment delivers milk directly from the cows to a refrigerated holding tank to preserve freshness and safety.