Showing posts with label milking cow nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milking cow nutrition. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

It's a dreary, chilly last day of 2020. Today we received a load of oat hay from
somewhere in Kansas to add to the dairy cow ration.  We still have plenty of hay that 
we have raised on the farm but with the drought we experienced in the late summer and
early fall, it was decided to purchase hay to stretch our supply.  No matter how
well you plan, the plan seems to always change !
The hay has been sampled and will be sent for a lab analysis
to give us the best information on how much hay to include in the daily diet.
We're hoping the milking cows are going to appreciate this addition by
producing a little more milk!

In the last few weeks, 2020 has brought us some very sad experiences.
We have lost several friends in our community due to complications of CoVid.
I am thankful for each of these special friends that made such an impact on 
my family and our community.

Intertwined in our sadness, I am thankful for those
that we have celebrated in a big way when you turn 2,

family time that we 
enjoyed during the Christmas holiday,

for Mac that was 
added to our family roster!