Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday



                                                             What excites a farmer?  

                                                         Hay season, of course!

                                      The farmers have been waiting impatiently to 

                                                     get started harvesting  the hay

                                                          and now, it is happening. 

                                     I'm thankful for the perfect hot and dry  weather

                                         this week  so the hay can be cut, raked

                                                  and baled in perfect condition,

                                                 for the opportunity to celebrate  Father's Day 

                                                            with  homemade ice cream,

for the memories made with our sons on all the 
days we  work together,

and for the memories 
of the fathers who raised us.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

If you are old enough, you know that old saying "April showers 
bring May flowers."

Down on the dairy farm, two
new calves appeared
after receiving more than eight inches of rain in less
than twenty four hours.
Those calves were a welcome bouquet!

That much rain all at once creates flooding issues 
on and off the farm. I am thankful that  we were
able to repair the driveways and fence rows and
that no people or cattle had any injuries during or
after the rain event.

                                                  As I look back on the days of April 2021,
                                  we were also showered with a lot of happy smiles
                                     and days of creating   memories with our family
                                                      down on the dairy farm.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

                                   Ryan and I cherish the memories we have of our fathers.
                                Father's Day reminds us of all the ways our fathers loved us,
                               taught us and continually supported us as we experienced life.

Although our sons will have different experiences than us,
it's our hope that they too will have many memories to cherish.
We already know they are storing up all the times of 
funny experiences and crazy ideas we have shared  in life so far.

                                                            From down on the dairy farm,

                                                        Happy Father's Day!         

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

                                                 Due to the social distancing of COVID-19,
                                            we have been postponing our family celebrations.
                                        Even so, that doesn't stop me from being thankful for
                                      these 32 years that we have watched our oldest son grow
                                                 and mature into a fantastic human being!

I'm thankful  for all of our special memories
down on the dairy farm,  

for the opportunity to see the next generation 
explore life on the  family farm,

                                                    and for the time we are looking forward
                                       to celebrating with the 32nd chocolate birthday cake!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

It was special in every way down on the dairy farm.
Although we worked our usual schedule of milking the cows
and feeding and caring for cows and calves on Christmas Day,
at the end of the day, we gathered as a family for a 
meal and exchange of gifts. That may seem like a 
very ordinary event, but to me, 
the gathering of those I love is a precious gift.

I'm thankful for the new dairy heifer that we welcomed 
on Christmas Day,

 for all the gathering of family during this Christmas 
season, loving memories of past  family Christmas times

 the opportunity to make memories for the next generation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Thanksgiving is a holiday of  giving thanks for our bounty of blessings and
gathering around the table with family and friends. Like most families,
we will take the opportunity to tell family stories and reminisce about
those who we are missing around the table.

The woman in this picture is my Great Grandmother Harral holding my 
grandmother. Their farm was just a little over a mile from where I live 
today. I would imagine that they enjoyed a home raised turkey for
their Thanksgiving dinner in the early 1900's.

By the time I met my Great Grandmother, the turkeys and apple
orchard were gone but she always had marshmallows in the 
cookie jar waiting for little hands to pick for a sweet snack!

I'm thankful for the memories we have to share with others
and the opportunity to make new memories for the next generation.

Happy Thanksgiving 
from down on the dairy farm!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Benton County Fair Alive

If you don't think the Benton County Fair is alive,
you should see the activity on the day before the fair opens.
It's buzzing with volunteers setting up for all of the entries
 into categories of  competitions and commercial exhibits.

As I walked through the commercial building today to 
volunteer for the set-up of a booth,
I realized the impact this community event has had on my life.

As a native of Northwest Arkansas, I have participated in the 
Benton County Fair in a variety of ways.
As a child, I rode Girl Scout floats in the fair parade, participated in the 
Miss Benton County Fair Pageant,served as a volunteer 4-H adult leader, 
worked with our sons showing dairy cattle during their 4-H experience
  and  served in  the  Benton County Farm Bureau Petting Zoo.

I've got great memories of not just the fair, but the people that 
work to make the fair a success for our community.

This year's fair theme says it all:
Making Memories and Celebrating Community

If you've never been to the Benton County Fair, I hope you will come to 
celebrate with our community and make your own memories.
Sponsors have made it possible to offer free admission to the fair.
The Benton County Farm Bureau  Free Petting Zoo is open each evening
 from 5-9 p.m Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
You can find the schedule of events at:

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Having a new baby in the family has brought a new dimension to family birthday celebrations.
There is no shortage of someone to hold the baby!
Hattie Claire slept through most of the celebration for her Daddy's 28th birthday but it was the sweetest moment when Cody said that she was the best present he could have for any birthday.

I'm thankful for these sweet memories of my son and his new daughter.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey is serious business but when I pulled
 out the ancient electric knife, the challenge began for Casey.
I'm thankful for these memories that are made with my family  in the kitchen 

the holidays that bring us together around the table

                                           after a day working together down on the dairy farm.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

May is definitely a merry month down on the dairy farm!
Just as the flowering trees are leafing out and the pastures are greening up, 
the iris, also known as 'flags',   make their grand  entrance.

I'm thankful for the colorful landscape provided by old fashioned flowers like the iris blooming next to the pasture and the sweet memories of childhood days spent in the garden with my grandparents.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Although I credit Ryan with having made the right decision to marry me twenty-nine years ago,
my life  on the dairy farm wouldn't have been possible without Ryan's parents!

Holidays will never be the same without them, but I'm thankful for the memories we have and the stories we can share as we bring others around our dairy farm family table.
                                                          Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day

All the world's a stage,
and every father plays a supporting role.
I can't imagine having grown up without all the men in my life! My blessings increased when I married a third generation dairy farmer and became part of the farm family. Although Ryan's Dad is no longer with us, we have great memories, traditions  and lessons learned that come only from a farming father.
Hope you're planning to make great Father's Day memories of your own!
Happy Father's Day!