Showing posts with label lilies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lilies. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

To cut or not to cut? 
That has been the question most discussed 
during this season of rain not only down on the dairy farm
but by farmers across  Benton County and many parts of Arkansas.
Hay is an important crop for all livestock farmers and growing
it is an important part of  our farm's  sustainability.

Many fields are still too wet to cut but after much discussion
it was decided to take our chances and start with the small field 
next to the house so it can be fertilized for the next cutting.

Too much rain has created the need for more creative planning and
adjusting our usual work schedules but
I'm thankful for the rain because without it,
nothing grows.

Too much or too little of anything, reminds us who is in control.
Even the lilies know that!