Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Yesterday we provided a dairy farm tour for a kindergarten teacher
wanting  to share an adventure with her students   via phone video. 
Our social distancing was maintained as we fed baby calves, 
observed milking and feeding of the cows.
The farm tour provided fun for both visitor and  farmer
as we shared our passion for everyday life on the farm that 
brings  nutritious milk to everyone's table. 

                                         I'm thankful for the joy in sharing  our love of dairy
                                          with others and for dedicated teachers  seeking
                                         creative  ways to keep our children  involved in the
                                          education  process during the challenges provided
                                                                     by COVID-19.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Farmer

Ever heard of Action Jackson?
Well, this is the Arkansas Farm Bureau version of  Action Jackson,
that is, Matt Jackson, Agriculture Educator!

Kindergarten students at Pea Ridge Primary School
listened intently to all that Mr. Matt shared with them about
 the dairy cow and how to milk her. 

     My job was easy--I was the local dairy farmer
who brought Cow hats,coloring books and crayons provided by
Midwest Dairy!
Hugs and smiles from a child definitely give you star power.

                                            I'm thankful for the portion of our Farm Bureau
                                            membership dollars that are spent for educating
                                             children and  adults  and for the opportunities
                                                            to share our agriculture story.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

How could you not love the smiles of 160  Pea Ridge kindergarten students?
That was my thought as I watched each child take their turn milking 
 Franny, the Arkansas Farm Bureau cow.

                                    I'm so thankful for opportunities to provide information
                                           about agriculture by telling our dairy story
                                            for  dedicated teachers that bring hands on
                                                  learning experiences to their students.