Showing posts with label grandchildren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandchildren. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Our "rain, rain go away" chant  just didn't work!
For at least three weeks we have been hoping to see the
custom chopper pull into the fields for the spring harvest 
of our wheat crop but when the fields were too water logged
 for chopping it was decided that we would be cutting,
 baling and wrapping this wheat crop.

Harvest began today with the cutting of the first wheat field.
Hattie and Breck became part of the harvest crew. 

Their smiles during the tractor ride definitely provided the sunshine today!

I'm thankful for the wheat crop that is still able to be harvested
and used  to feed our cows and calves

                                       for the forever flexible farmers that never give up!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

When my cell phone rings early in the morning before
I leave the house, it probably isn't good news.
Monday morning started with not so good news from
a neighbor on his way to work.
It seems that a car had run into the fence that surrounds the
pasture where several of our herd bulls reside.

I am thankful that even though the car was still lodged 
in the  fence row, it was keeping the bulls in place.
As the story unfolded, this wreck had occurred in the middle
of the night but we had not been contacted.
Thankfully no one was hurt from the accident and
the bulls did not get out or try to kick up their heels
and chase anyone!

                                            If you find yourself in a situation like this , I hope

                                you will find the farmer that owns the fence or at least

                                        report it to someone for  everyone's safety.

Our week was also filled with the love and laughter
of our family as we celebrated  Cody's birthday

and were blessed with smiles
of how a real cowboy  steps up to the job
down on the dairy farm. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Spring is in the air everywhere down on the dairy farm!

Our ordinary day became extraordinary  with a visit from
the grandchildren and their cousin William that arrived from 
Texas for a spring break adventure.
What better place to come than the dairy farm!

It was obvious by the smiles that a tractor ride ranks 
pretty high on the fun to do list.

A tractor ride can also be a serious experience. At two,
Breck kept a close eye on the calves as they were feeding 

We celebrate new life often but  spring also 
gave us the opportunity to celebrate my Mother's 
ninetieth birthday!

Always supporting the use of dairy foods,
the cake contained a lot of butter and cream cheese!

I'm thankful for all these experiences in the past
few days that have put a little more spring in my step
and a greater appreciation for the blessings
of everyday life down on the dairy farm.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

No tears were shed when we ended February and began
the month of March with the delightful fifty degree temperature
and the feeling of spring just around the corner.

I'm thankful for the little bit of green that is beginning to 
show up in the pastures down on the dairy farm,

the new baby calves that are being born without 
the worry of below zero temperatures,

for the joy brought by just being with grandchildren
on a spring-like winter day!


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

One of the greatest joys of family farm life is
sharing  everyday activities with our children and

Hearing the sweet little voice of Hattie was all it
took for me to abandon my farm bookkeeping task,
 throw on my coat and head to the calf 
hutches with Cody and Hattie.

The afternoon was perfect for the job of placing 
ear tags that we use to identify each heifer calf.
This identification number is used as a name and is
entered into a computer data base. The  information about
each heifer calf is used for the care  of each calf
 as they grow and mature and eventually become part
 of the milking herd.

Hattie's job was to entice the calf out of the hutch.
She obviously had the job she wanted!

I'm thankful for each moment we have together

                                                and for  the memories we are creating
down on the dairy farm.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Abundant spring rains made it difficult to harvest spring crops
creating that domino effect of too much to get done within 
the specific planting time frame. June could be compared to 
a Chinese fire drill down on the dairy farm with everyone going
in multiple directions everyday. All of the crops we raise are used
throughout the year to feed our dairy cows. 
The cows are counting on us!

I found myself working as a transport person as we moved equipment 
to the fields for planting crops that will be harvested in the fall.
Equipment adjustments are normal and often take more than one
farmer's knowledge to work out the kinks or in this case the hydraulics.

I'm thankful for these moments in time when waiting on the
farmers creates opportunities in the ordinary day
to appreciate my  farm family,

to see the joy in the small but mighty grand-girl's 
face when learning and helping to feed the calves,

                                                 and the wonder of just sitting on a bench!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

With mud puddles in abundance and the crop fields too wet for
planting, it's easy to forget how fortunate we are for the
 clean water our cows drink everyday. 

Water is an important nutrient in the cow's diet and without
the availability of at least a bathtub full of water everyday, 
a milking cow will produce less milk.

 Even though these cows at the water tank are
 actually at rest in the pasture waiting to have a baby,
 water is important as they prepare for delivery.

I'm thankful for these daily reminders of how blessed we
are with the basics of everyday life down on the dairy farm

                                              for our opportunity to share our blessings with
                                                                  the next generation!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

I'm looking forward to sitting around the table with my family
in celebration of Mother's Day.
It's our family tradition down on the dairy farm.

As I have been making preparation for our gathering,
it has been a sweet time of reflection of how 
blessed I am to have a sweet Mother who  loves me,

a mother-in-love who  raised the farmer I married,
  and the opportunity to be a mother and a grandmother. 

                                                       Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

                                     Everyday is an adventure when you are two years old.

I'm thankful for every "Grandma"  moment I 
spend with Hattie down on the dairy farm
looking at the calves,

picking crab apples to feed the squirrels,

playing hide and go seek on a crisp fall day.
We are blessed in so many ways to share our family
 farm experience with the next generation.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

It's easy to get so busy and involved with work and life schedules 
that you miss the special moments that can never be recaptured.

I'm thankful for the moments we've spent in the beautiful month 
of May with Hattie wandering around the flower gardens just
 enjoying her curiosity 
 about the ladybugs and picking any flower she sees,

to experience the fun of family events that involve
 cake,ice cream and candles,


to celebrate  all birthdays down on the dairy farm.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

                                              I'm thankful for....

the pair of Egyptian geese that have come
 back to enjoy the farm habitat,

the new calves born this week,

the variety of  beautiful  colorful iris blooming,

                                                           for the entertaining conversations
                                                                   with Hattie and Frog.

                                                         Life is good down on the dairy farm!