Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

It's a dreary, chilly last day of 2020. Today we received a load of oat hay from
somewhere in Kansas to add to the dairy cow ration.  We still have plenty of hay that 
we have raised on the farm but with the drought we experienced in the late summer and
early fall, it was decided to purchase hay to stretch our supply.  No matter how
well you plan, the plan seems to always change !
The hay has been sampled and will be sent for a lab analysis
to give us the best information on how much hay to include in the daily diet.
We're hoping the milking cows are going to appreciate this addition by
producing a little more milk!

In the last few weeks, 2020 has brought us some very sad experiences.
We have lost several friends in our community due to complications of CoVid.
I am thankful for each of these special friends that made such an impact on 
my family and our community.

Intertwined in our sadness, I am thankful for those
that we have celebrated in a big way when you turn 2,

family time that we 
enjoyed during the Christmas holiday,

for Mac that was 
added to our family roster!


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

I've had a lot of thinking time this week while sitting in the
 hospital  with my Mother who is battling pneumonia. 
It's moments or events like these when  you realize what is important
 may be different than what was on the daily schedule.

I'm thankful that I live in a community with state of the art medical
facilities, dedicated nurses and skilled doctors ,

for the beauty of the Christmas season,

                                         for my family that have taken over my farm duties
                                                while I have been taking care of Mother,

                                                    for the extended family and sweet friends
                                              that have lifted us up in prayers and offers of help.

                                              Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything
                                           give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
                                                                                               I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Vaughn Presbyterian Church has been a fixture in our  community for 126 years. 
Our membership is small but we've got a supportive community that came to buy a bean and cornbread supper and bid on pies to help us raise money for a local children's home.

I'm thankful for community friends like State Representative Dan Douglas who 
served as our  pie auctioneer, the church members that baked delicious pies, and the friends who not only  supported our project, but also

                         helped us celebrate my Mother's 85th birthday with cake and ice cream!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Last Saturday I participated in the first  Benton County 4-H Food Safety Workshop 
It was a great example of teaching our youth an invaluable  life skill. 

I'm thankful for the dedication of our 4-H leaders 
and Benton County Extension agents who continuously strive to
 "make the best better"  

in the classroom,

at the Farmer's Market,

connecting the past to the present.

I'm  thankful for these friends!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Farms and Friends

A crane is not part of our dairy  farming operation but we were happy to see our friend and his crane   this morning after the axle under our feed wagon broke as the loaded wagon was moving towards the barn to feed the cows. Although this is a bad situation, we were very fortunate that no one was injured and that we have a friend that owns a crane and was willing to help us get it pulled up right so that it can be repaired.
Before the crane had set the mixing wagon upright, the boys were hooking up another friend's mixer wagon so that our cows could be fed.
Our cows definitely appreciated our friend's willingness to let us borrow the wagon.
They never missed a bite of nutritious feed!
If our days were always trouble free, we would miss out on these opportunities to appreciate the friendships we have in our farming community!