Showing posts with label farm life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farm life. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Even though we have a daily routine that includes milking our cows
 and feeding all the animals on the farm, today was anything but ordinary.
During fall or spring calving season, 
it's not unusual to have from one to three calves born.
Today we had a total of nine new babies!

It was anything but a routine afternoon  as Ryan and I worked to
give each new calf a bottle of colostrum and vaccinations to prevent illness.

I'm thankful for these kind of interruptions of our daily routine
that bring smiles to our dairy farmer faces

                                         for the new crop of calves for Hattie  to help  feed!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

                   For the first three months, our calves live in  individual calf hutches that have
          plenty of space to  freely move about, provide protection from bad weather and make
                                                   it easy to monitor the health of each calf.

                                                      Even on a cold January morning,

                                 I'm thankful for each calf that happily and anxiously  greets us
                                                     for their warm morning milk and grain.