Showing posts with label family generation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family generation. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

We were happy to see Gittlein's custom chopper pull into the first corn field yesterday. 
Harvesting of any crop is a big deal but our corn crop is especially
 important to our dairy cows diet   through the winter and early spring.

All the corn we raise is chopped and hauled from the field to the 
silo on the dairy farm.The chopped corn will go through a
 fermenting process and become the silage that our  dairy cows 
will enjoy eating with other grains and hay.

It was my good fortune to be offered a ride around the field 
with my oldest son Cody.This was our view  of the chopper as 
we drove down the field side by side so the corn could be
 blown from the chopper into the truck.

With three trucks running to haul the corn to the silo,
it gave us opportunity to catch up on a little mother-son communication
 as we waited for our turn to pull up to the chopper.

                                              I'm thankful for the harvest of a good corn crop,
                                      the unexpected opportunities to spend time with my family,

                                                     to share  life down on the dairy farm
                                                              with multiple generations.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for...

Beagle, our crazy four wheel riding farm dog,

                                                                    a new fall calf,
                                                to hear the  word "cow" from the youngest
                                                        member of our dairy farm family.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Although our days on the dairy farm are busy and filled with
 a variety of challenges, 

I'm thankful for the smiles that come with these two tractor drivers
 and the opportunity we have to watch the fifth generation
 embrace life on the farm.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Dairy Family Tradition

Our July 4th celebration begins like every day down on the dairy farm...
with our dairy cows. 
We will be feeding calves and cows 
 and milking long before the fireworks begin.

Our  family  holiday fun  and  our family tradition begins  
  when we retreat to our July 4th picnic spot after all the chores are done.

 It's where 4 generations of farmers  have enjoyed picnic
 suppers  together, paddling across the pond to throw a fishing line 
and  setting off a sack full of fireworks.


We're adding a few more fireworks to our celebration 
to welcome Hattie Claire into the family tradition!

Happy July 4th!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Having a new baby in the family has brought a new dimension to family birthday celebrations.
There is no shortage of someone to hold the baby!
Hattie Claire slept through most of the celebration for her Daddy's 28th birthday but it was the sweetest moment when Cody said that she was the best present he could have for any birthday.

I'm thankful for these sweet memories of my son and his new daughter.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dairy May Day

What's not to love about the month of May?
That was my thought as I stepped out the back door 
this morning  on my way to feed calves. 

Although the  air was chilly and crisp, it was evident that the
 dairy cows were loving the weather and the green pasture as
 they slowly moved towards the barn to be milked. 
Framed by the blooming iris, it was a perfect picture 
of a May day down on the dairy farm.

For 95 years, a member of our family has been 
 opening the  same back door into the month of May. 
We take pride in caring for our dairy  animals, growing crops
 to feed our animals and most important, 
producing healthy high-quality milk for you and your family.

Happy May!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

"Babies take us on a special journey 
into the land of love."

We began our journey with 
Hattie Clair Anglin, 8lb.,3 oz.,20 inches long,
April 6.2016.

                                         I'm thankful for the blessing of this first grandchild
                         the  opportunity to welcome the 5th generation to our family dairy farm.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Have you met anyone that is 100 years old?
Meet my Great Uncle Dallas Baggett! 
 He's a history maker this week for our family---Happy 100!

My Mother and I recently visited with Uncle Dal in Alabama. He's always had a great sense of humor and still loves to share a good joke. 
                             I'm thankful for my Uncle Dal, for the love and dedication to his family,
                            his lifetime of Christian ministry and the example he is living  for all of us.