Showing posts with label family celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family celebration. Show all posts

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sweet Mother'sDay

                                          Mother's Day is one of the sweetest celebrations
                                                   when surrounded by the ones you love.

                                It was a great time of food, fellowship and of course...dessert!
                                  You can't beat a piece of Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake
                                             topped with strawberries and vanilla ice cream.

Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake

1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
1 8 oz  pkg. cream cheese,softened
3 cups sifted cake flour
6 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Cream butter and shortening; gradually add sugar, beating well at medium speed with electric mixer.
Add cream cheese,beating well until light and fluffy. Alternately add flour, and eggs, beginning and ending with flour. Stir in vanilla.

Pour batter into greased and floured 10 inch tube pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until pick comes out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes, remove from pan and let cool completely on wire rack.

                                                    Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey is serious business but when I pulled
 out the ancient electric knife, the challenge began for Casey.
I'm thankful for these memories that are made with my family  in the kitchen 

the holidays that bring us together around the table

                                           after a day working together down on the dairy farm.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Birthday Wish

Make a's your birthday!
 No matter if it's a candle on  cake,pie or just a cupcake, making a wish and blowing out the candle is part of the celebration!
Birthdays are not only  reminders to me  of how fast time flies  but also  how important it is to enjoy and cherish  every moment as your children are growing up! 

We will be celebrating Casey's 25th birthday tomorrow...
as you can see,
he's still got that cute grin just like he did when riding on the back of the tricycle!

Celebrating birthdays is a very important job on the family dairy farm!

Happy Birthday!
                                                         Make a's your birthday!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Freedom Rings Down on the Dairy Farm

My Country,'Tis of Thee

My country,'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died, 
Land of thy Pilgrims' pride.
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!

                             ---Samuel F. Smith

                                                     Freedom rings down  on the dairy  farm!
                                  Like dairy farm families across America, we'll be working today to
                                               care for our animals and  provide high quality milk.

                                       At the end of the day, we will be enjoying a picnic supper and
                                              the fireworks display from surrounding communities.
                                                              From our family to yours,

                                                             Happy July 4th!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

From the rehearsal to the wedding, I'm thankful for the fun we had with family and friends to prepare for Margaret and Cody's special day!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

It doesn't seem possible it's been 26 years since we brought home this 9 pound baby!
I'm thankful for the joy Cody brings to my life, that he always requests chocolate cake for his birthday,
the fact that we're  celebrating his last 'single' birthday,
                      that birthdays are celebrated  working  together on our family dairy farm.
                                                                 Life is dairy good!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Spring is full of surprises and celebrations on the dairy farm.  We were surprised with  frigid temperatures frosted  with snow  and the birth of this snowy white calf this first week of spring. Isn't she cute?
I'm calling her Snowflake.
I'm thankful for new life on the farm and for the opportunity to celebrate my Mother's 82nd birthday!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dairy Diversion for Hot Weather

As a diversion from the hot weather and stressful weather conditions that we are experiencing on the dairy farm, I'm thinking about next week's holiday celebration that we will enjoy as a family. Even though fireworks won't be part of our July 4th celebration due to the drought, we will be making our traditional freezer of ice cream to go with our hamburgers and hotdogs! If I can find some ripe peaches, I'm going to try this recipe I found in my Jim Graham's Farm Family Cookbook for City Folks which is a collection of recipes from a lot of good cooks in North Carolina.

Fresh Peach Ice Cream

1 quart milk
1 10-ounce package of marshmallows
2 cups sugar
1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
2 cups Half & Half dairy creamer
3 cups mashed fresh peaches

Combine milk and marshmallows in Dutch oven. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until marshmallows melt; remove from heat. Add sugar and remaining ingredients; mix well. chill. Pour mixture into freezer container of gallon hand-turned or electric ice cream freezer. Freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. Pack freezer with additional ice and salt, and let stand for 1 to 2 hours to ripen before serving.

                     Hope you have a safe, dairy good July 4th!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Double Dip Celebration

It's fitting that a dairy farmer celebrates his birthday during June Dairy Month!  June 3rd will mark a record number of 58 birthday cakes my dairy farmer husband has enjoyed on his special day.  His requested birthday cake  this year was  applesauce cake. I used the recipe I found in my mother-in-law's recipe file but unfortunately, there's no recipe for the icing.  Until I find the icing recipe that was almost like a vanilla candy, I'm using the butter frosting  recipe found in my old faithful Better Homes and Garden cookbook. It will have a double dip  of vanilla ice cream on top so maybe he won't notice it's not just like his mama made!

Mom-Bonnah's Applesauce Cake


2 cups applesauce
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 cup raisins
1 cup black walnuts
2 Tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2  teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cloves

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and lightly flour 9x 11 pyrex baking dish.
Mix sugar,flour,and spices. Soak raisins in water till they plump then drain and squeeze dry; mix with flour mixture. Heat applesauce with butter; add soda. Fold applesauce mixture into flour mixture. Fold nuts into mixture.  Pour into prepared pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. 

Buttercream Icing
6 tablespoons butter
3 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar
Light Cream (about 1/4 cup)
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

Cream butter; gradually add about half the sugar,blending well. Beat in 2 tablespoons cream and vanilla. Gradually blend in remaining sugar. Add enough cream to make of spreading consistency.

                                           I love celebrating birthdays with this dairy farmer!
                                              June Dairy Month is perfect for a Double Dip!

Friday, April 27, 2012

April's Dairy Farm Celebrations

April is full of celebrations for our family farm--

                                                               new calves,

finishing spring harvest,

family birthdays!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

August always seems to melt slowly into September as the seasons begin to change,school starts and we are beginning to harvest our crops. It's also the time for a birthday celebration in our family. Our birthday traditions include dinner with the family, birthday cake and ice cream. I'm thankful for the twenty one birthdays that we have celebrated with Casey!