When I get the call, "Are you home?", I know that my plans have changed.
It's how things operate down on the dairy farm.
It wasn't a difficult task to follow the farmer and tractor to the field but
in the scheme of everyday farming life, it was one of the many
measures of time efficiency and safety.
As our population has grown, so have the number of vehicles traveling our roads.
Not every one understands or cares that a tractor and an implement
like the culti-packer don't move at lightening speed and even dirt roads
are not always easy to maneuver when you meet oncoming traffic.
For our safety and in trying to be considerate of our neighbors
traveling the same roads,
we use the least traveled roads and if possible, choose the time
of day for less traffic.
Traveling behind the tractor in a vehicle with flashing lights is
the least I can do to try protecting my family.
It's my job.