Showing posts with label dairy sustainability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dairy sustainability. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Earth Day is Everyday

                                    Down on the dairy farm, Earth Day is Everyday.  

                                 We don't just say that, we live it...EVERYDAY!

                                                     It starts with cow care. 

                     The carbon footprint of milk has been  reduced by 63 percent due  to       improvements in animal breeding, animal  health   programs,  cow comfort            measures   and overall  farm management   practices.

                         Everyday we feed our cows a nutritious, balanced diet.

Everyday we  follow regulations and best management practices to protect
the environment for our cows, our family and our community.

Everyday we recycle the cows' manure to fertilize crops that we
raise to feed the cows.

Everyday we strive to produce high-quality nutritious milk by caring
for our cows and the land we call home.

Earth Day really is Everyday down on the dairy farm!

Happy Earth Day!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Even though our daily routine stays the same,
there is never just a "normal " day.
Today we welcomed a new calf to the herd.
How we care for this new calf  prepares the
way for the production of  high-quality nutritious milk.

                               Later in the afternoon, Ryan participated in a  virtual "Cheese Chat"
                             sponsored by Midwest Dairy. This was a new way to bring a variety of
                            consumers together to talk about the sustainable production of dairy
                            products, learn about cheese from the expert cheese monger
                                 and experience the taste of a  variety of cheeses produced
                                 in the midwestern states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma,
                                               Minnesota and Iowa.   

                                                  I'm thankful for this dairy farmer that was 
                                              willing to participate in a new experience that promotes
                                              dairy products and shares how dairy farms and families 
                                              work everyday to produce nutritious milk sustainably.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

It's corn  chopping time!
You may not get all excited when you see this picture but
to the family farmers and our dairy cows, harvest of this 
corn crop is  a real celebration.
  Raising a crop that  both  utilizes manure produced by the cows and 
  feeds our cows is part of the sustainability of our farming operation. 

The chopped corn is being trucked to the pit silo where it will 
ferment  for a few weeks and change into corn silage.
 Corn silage is a welcome addition to the cows' diet plan.

                                      I'm thankful for the cooperation of the weather this week,
                             for no major mechanical problems, and the safety of the trucks and
                                                           drivers on the trips to the silo.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dairy Farm Magic

As I was watching the hay mowing cutter go across the field yesterday, 
I thought back to late last fall when Hattie and I were watching the 
manure spreader go in a similar pattern spreading  liquid cow manure.

From brown to green...a little dairy farm manure  magic!

 Cow manure is a nutrient used to fertilize fields that are 
part of our dairy farm's nutrient management plan.

Utilizing our  cows' manure is  an important part of our farm's
 sustainability because it adds organic material to the soil, 
increases the water holding capacity of the land and
decreases the amount of commercial fertilizer that is purchased.

                                             A perfect picture of a farmer working his magic!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Earth Day Everyday

Earth Day really is everyday down on the dairy farm.
As I watched the group of calves resting in the pasture next to the field 
filled with milking cows,my thoughts turned to how we have 
changed the environmental impact on dairy farms.

It's a fact that improvements in dairy cow nutrition, comfort, health and breeding have led to significant impact in production while decreasing the overall environmental impact.

Dairy farms today produce a gallon milk using 
95 percent less land and 65 percent less water while producing 
76 percent less manure compared with 1944.

                                               Our farm has been in the family since 1919.
                            We love caring for our animals, contributing to the local community
                               and most important, producing healthy milk,cheese and yogurt
                                                                for you and your family.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Dairy Tall Tale

It's not a tall tale,  but it's the tale of how tall  corn can grow on an
Arkansas dairy farm when you have the right nutrients and
 almost perfect weather conditions. 

Can you see the dairy farmer's smile?

Our cows produced the manure that we applied to the field prior 
to planting this spring.
 Manure, also known to us as a nutrient,  improves the soil by increasing 
the organic matter,adds nutrients for plant growth and increases the water 
holding capacity of the soil. The amount,source,placement 
and timing of manure on fields for crops that we raise
 is part of our farm's nutrient management plan.  
 By following the plan,
we are  protecting the environment and improving the land.

Our tall tale is also a perfect tale of  sustainability.
At the end of this tale, when eating corn silage this fall,
 our dairy  cows will be so happy!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Earthday Everyday

On Earth Day, like everyday down on the dairy farm,
you'll find us milking our cows twice a day,

feeding our cows nutritious feed,

and watching our crops grow.

Earth Day is Everyday down on the dairy farm.
We understand the importance of taking 
good care of this land we call home.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Just a few days ago, I was invited to participate in the Midwest Dairy Health and Wellness
 Advisory Roundtable on Sustainable Nutrition at the Arkansas Food Bank in Little Rock.
 The topic of sustainable nutrition involved presentations about what the dairy industry is 
doing in regards to sustainability and the role that food waste plays in our everyday activities.

I keep thinking about these facts...

Nearly 1 in 5  children in the U.S. face hunger.

In Arkansas, 1 in 4 children face hunger.

   About 40% of the U.S. food supply is never eaten and is thrown
 away at home,in grocery stores and restaurants.

I'm thankful for the health professionals that are working in  a variety of settings 
in our local communities to fight hunger and food waste


                             the dairy farm families across America that work 365 days a year to
                                           provide nutritious dairy products that consumers want,
                              in a way that makes the industry,people and the earth economically,
                              environmentally and socially better--now and for future generations.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dairy Celebrates Earth Day Everyday

Even though you may not find any dairy farmers at the local Earth Day celebration,  
 Earth Day is celebrated  everyday on the dairy farm as we care for our animals and  work to protect  and conserve  our natural resources for future generations.
In fact, the  dairy industry has reduced the environmental impact of a gallon of milk since 1944, resulting in 90% less cropland,76% less manure, 65% less water and 63% less carbon.

Reducing milk's carbon footprint by 25% by 2020 is part of an industry-wide sustainability initiative.

Feeding our dairy cows a  nutritious diet everyday  produces milk efficiently  and    is just one of the important ways we reduce our carbon footprint. 

I'm pretty sure our cows are celebrating Earth Day Everyday as I watch them eat!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dairy Q&A


How do you use the  cow manure produced on your farm?

We recycle the cow manure  and use it as fertilizer for crops.
Manure ( nutrient) is also useful in water conservation because it increases the water-holding capacity of soil by 20 percent, resulting in reduced ground water needed to grow crops.

We are permitted by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to  store manure for use on our farm.
We follow a nutrient management plan specially designed  for our farm that  guides the amount,source, placement and timing of manure on fields. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Generational Sustainability

We think it's bad when the power suddenly goes out and internet availability is gone, but can you imagine living without electricity , running water or a vehicle to drive?   Even with all the modern conveniences, I still need more hours in the day!  

Science and modern technology have improved not only our lifestyle but efficiency in food production. It's a fact that today, a farmer supplies food for more than 150 people in the U.S and abroad, compared with just 25.8 people in 1960, and on less land every year.

I don't  think the word sustainability was used  by  my mother-in-law as she worked the land with her father in the 1940's but I do know that every day, just like today,  required efficiency and careful use of all resources.

In our modern farming world, Sustainable agriculture was actually defined by the U.S. government in the 1990 farm bill.
 Here are the five elements of the USDA definition of sustainable agriculture:
  • Satisfy human food and fiber needs
  • Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends
  • Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls
  • Sustain the economic viability of farm operations
  • Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole
(More information about sustainability and dairy farming can
 be found at Midwest Dairy or


   Although the look of the family farm and the technologies have changed with each generation, we still have the same values of caring for the land and animals as we work to produce high-quality,nutritious milk. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dairy Celebrates National Ag Day

National Ag Day is an opportunity for all Americans to celebrate and bring awareness about  the contribution of agriculture in our everyday lives.
                 Think about it, agriculture provides almost everything we eat,use and wear on a daily basis. American agriculture is doing more and doing it better.

Dairy farmers today,thanks to science, proven research and technology,
                      produce a gallon of milk using 95 percent less land and 65 percent less water
                                    while producing 76 percent less manure compared with 1944.

Thank a Farmer!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dairy Q&A


               Do dairy farms produce a lot of greenhouse gases?


According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's US Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emission Report, dairy production contributes less than 1 percent of US greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases include water vapor,carbon dioxide and ozone.

Today, producing a pound of milk takes three times less methane than it did in 1924 because of the many efficiencies  practiced by dairy farmers everyday such as  feeding grains and high-quality forage and by continuing to use other tools such as genetic improvement and superior herd management.

More information can be found at US Environmental Protection Agency or Midwestdairy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sustainable Dairy Farming

For the last few days, we've been harvesting (also known as "green chopping")  the spring crop of wheat and rye grass that will be included in the balanced diet for our cows to enjoy this summer.
It's a perfect example of how we recycle on the farm and protect the environment.
Cow manure is recycled as fertilizer for crops by following a farm plan designed specifically  for our farm that guides the amount, source and placement and timing of manure on fields.  Utilizing cow manure as fertilizer adds organic matter to the soil and helps the soil hold moisture. Manure nutrients are absorbed by crops and not groundwater which fits perfectly with federal, state and local clean water laws.
It's true...Earth Day is Everyday on the dairy farm!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Dairy Farmers Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

Earth Day isn't just a one day celebration on our  dairy farm--it's an everyday experience   as we work to produce  high-quality milk by caring for our animals and conserving natural resources for future generations.

 It's a fact that dairy farms today produce a gallon of milk using 95 percent less land and 65 percent less water while producing 76 percent less manure compared with 1944. It's the modern science and technology that make it possible to produce more milk today with only 9 million cows than with 26 million cows in 1944.

In looking to reduce our carbon footprint and operate as sustainably as possible, we completed an energy audit  in 2012 with the help of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy and its partners EnSave and USDA Natural Resources and Conservation Services. The audit provided potential areas for saving energy use and improving long-term efficiency and profitability.

Last year after completion of the energy audit,  we  chose to install equipment in the milking parlor that would reduce the amount of electricity used to cool the milk. By installing this equipment we saw immediate results in efficiency and a reduction in the farm's carbon footprint. The change saved more than 26,000 kilowatts in electricity and  reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 6 tons annually.

 In addition to saving electricity, the plate cooler provided additional water that can be recycled for our cows to drink. We installed two rubber tire water tanks  for the cows to enjoy drinking from  year-round.  A win-win for us, the environment   and the cows!

We'll be using our energy audit to provide direction for other changes we can make to operate as sustainably as possible and continue to celebrate Earth Day Everyday down on the dairy farm.

How will you celebrate Earth Day?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dairy Sustainability

With silage harvest complete, it's off to the next farm task---planting for spring crops! It was a perfect weather day for getting started and with more rain predicted later  this week, there's  no time to waste.
Part of the preparation for planting today started several weeks ago when cow manure was spread on the fields for fertilization of the soil in the fields that will be planted. Cow manure is a great nutrient for the soil and also increases the water holding capacity.
Our dairy is licensed   by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (often referred to as ADEQ) to store and utilize the cow manure produced on our farm. Manure is spread on designated fields on our farm with limits of how much can be applied. Following these regulations and best management practices protect the health of my family, our cows and the environment.
Recycling the manure produced by our dairy cows makes economic sense, helps the environment and protects our water quality.
That's what I call sustainability down on the dairy farm!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chillin' in the Milk Barn

It seemed fitting on the first day of summer during June Dairy Month that we would host a tour for dairy farmers and community members  to showcase our new milk chillin'  plate cooler. After completing an energy audit of our dairy farm  in 2011, the plate cooler was one of the energy saving suggestions. A Conservation Innovation Grant from NRCS made it possible for us to invest in this project for our farm.   Although cooling the milk is necessary year round, a hot first day of summer  was  perfect for talking about chillin' the milk!

Milk cooling costs are usually one of the largest energy operating expenses on the dairy because it  takes a lot of electricity to cool the cow's milk from 98 degrees when it leaves the cow to 38 degrees in the bulk storage tank. The plate cooler, also known as a Milk Pre-Cooler, is a series of steel plates installed in the milk line before the bulk tank. Cold water passes through a plate cooler in one direction and absorbs heat from the warm milk pumped through the plate cooler in the opposite direction. The plate cooler can reduce the temperature of the milk entering the bulk storage tank to within 4 degrees of the incoming cold water temperature.

Besides saving electricity and money with faster cooling, Milk Pre-Coolers also create these benefits:
  • Increases the milk quality by inhibiting bacterial growth through faster cooling.
  • Extends refrigeration equipment life by reducing load and run time.
  • Daily milk production can also be increased when the warm water exiting the Pre-Cooler is used for watering the cows.

The installation of the Milk Pre-Cooler also required an addition of a variable speed milk pump and a water system to recycle the water used by the plate cooler for our dairy cows to drink in the pasture.

Our showcase tour also included a visit to the newly installed rubber tire water tanks.

Chillin' the milk and recycling water on our dairy farm are perfect examples of how we  continue our commitment to producing high-quality  milk while caring for and conserving  our natural resources!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June Dairy Month--It's All About the Cows!

Just when you think there's not another minute to add another job  in the day on the dairy farm  during June Dairy Month , we begin a project! Quality water is essential to a dairy farm and  the good thing about our   project is   that when completed it  will protect, conserve, and recycle the water supply on our farm.  A water line from the dairy barn will provide recycled  water from the energy saving milk plate cooler  to two rubber tire water tanks in the pasture for a group of our milking cows.

Most of this project work began late in the afternoon after other chores and field work  were completed. It required a lot of coordinated  planning to be sure materials, machinery, and manpower were available.
 After installing the water lines, the work began to build the pad for the large rubber tire tanks.


After the forms were built for the cement pad and the pipe placed for the water, the tire was set.

The devil is always  in the details!

Fortunately we had a beautiful sunny
Saturday for pouring the  cement  pad under the tires.
Hopefully by the end of the week, we'll finish this project and the cows will be enjoying water from the new tanks.
Providing our cows with clean water contributes to high-quality milk.
June Dairy Month--it's all about the cows!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Dairy Month Celebrates Sustainability

June Dairy Month is a perfect time to celebrate how we work to provide safe high-quality milk while caring for our cows and the land.
Last year our family dairy farm completed an energy audit to look at potential ways we could save energy to improve the sustainability of our farm and in the long run, work to reduce our carbon footprint.

It's easy to understand that one of the recommendations from the audit was to install a piece of equipment in the milk barn called a 'plate cooler' because it takes a lot of electricity to milk the cows, cool the milk and keep the milk cool in the refrigerated tank until it is transported to the processing plant. The plate cooler saves energy by cooling the milk before it reaches the
refrigerated tank.

Our new plate cooler was installed in January but we just flipped the switch and turned it on last week because it involved the addition of a variable speed milk pump and an additional water system to recycle the water used by the plate cooler to cool the milk.

 Although we're still installing the permanent rubber tire water tanks in the pasture, the recycled water from the plate cooler is flowing into the water tanks in the pasture.

I realize that you might not share my enthusiasm about a piece of equipment but for me and my third generation dairy farm family, it's exciting to see the new milk pump and plate cooler running efficiently to reduce energy and recycle water to improve the sustainability of our family farm and the efficient use of our natural resources. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Future of Food 2013

Just a few weeks ago, I spent a couple of mornings giving University of Arkansas students a tour of our dairy farm. I love sharing how we work every day (that's 24/7,holidays and weekends) to produce a safe and healthy product. Part of the tour includes explaining and showing how we work to protect the environment and utilize all our resources. It's science and technology that drive efficiency today and the future of our food production system.


It's a fact that one of the greatest challenges of the next generation will be providing nutritious,affordable food to a global population expected to grow to 9 billion by 2050--while using fewer resources. Dairy foods are key to healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy planet.

Discussion of the Future of Food is vital to all of us--consumers and farmers. One of these discussions is being hosted by the National Dairy Council and Washington Post Live in Washington,D.C. tomorrow (May 22) beginning at 7:30 CST. You can join in the conversation using the twitter hashtag #ThinkFood or watch Future of Food online.
