Showing posts with label dairy heifers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dairy heifers. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thankful Thursday

One of the added benefits to mowing the yard next to the pasture is 
getting to watch the heifers enjoying  those grass clippings
that were blown under the fence.  They looked a little like excited
kids in a candy store!

Even though farm life is extremely busy in the month of May,
I am thankful for the moments that bring smiles,
for the family celebrations of  Mother's Day ,birthdays
 and graduations,

and for the beauty of the garden  that 
remind us that all these gifts 
are freely given by our heavenly Father.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

 Saturday afternoon was the perfect example of farmer flexibility.
You can have all kinds of plans but when the neighbor calls
to report a wandering heifer  running down the road, all plans change.

We jumped in the truck and drove up and down the road looking
for the same heifer that has been out of the pasture more than once.
After she was located in the neighbor's yard, Cody arrived with the
4-wheeler and we drove her back to the pasture. 

Of course,the heifer had no thought of going through 
the gate we had opened.She ran back to the spot where the fence
 was down and jumped over it with the grace of a deer. 
It certainly made it easy to find where the tree had
 fallen on the fence that   needed repair!

While Cody and Ryan fixed fence, all of the curious 
heifers moved in to check things out.

I loved seeing this group of bred heifers gather around 
through the timber. Each of these beauties have been raised by us
 and will give birth to their first calf in a few months.

I'm thankful that there was only one heifer that found the
way out, for our neighbors that  care enough to call
when a cow or heifer may be found wandering in the neighborhood
and for the dedicated dairy farmers committed to taking good care 
of their cows and heifers.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Although it's not quite spring according to the calendar,
we've already started celebrating down on the dairy farm this week  by 
bringing home a few heifers that will soon have their first calf.

Since a heifer has never experienced having a baby, 
it's our job to monitor them closely in case assistance is needed.

                                                   I'm thankful for every spring delivery!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Farmers celebrate Earth Day everyday! These dairy heifers are anxious to start celebrating with a bite of hay. I'm thankful for this third generation dairy farmer who loves the land and the animals and works everyday to make this world a better place for the next generation.