Showing posts with label cow comfort #UndeniablyDairy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cow comfort #UndeniablyDairy. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Resting in the shade  on a hot July afternoon is the routine for 
these  cows that  will be calving within the next two weeks.
It's hard to find a cool spot in the month of July,
 but  if you follow the cows during the day, you will find yourself 
moving to where ever the shade is found in the pasture.

It's our job to make sure they have access to  fresh water
and shade and monitor them closely for signs of calving.
We also provide a special formulated feed that meets their
nutritional needs while they are resting from milk
 production and  preparing  for calving.

When I watch the cows resting in the shade by the yard, 
I'm thankful for the memory of planting these pine tree 
twigs nearly thirty years ago with Cody and Casey playing
 in the yard, for the beauty of each tree and the shade
 that is so appreciated by our beautiful Holstein cows 
down on the dairy farm.