Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Pictures don't always tell the whole story. 

After the first cutting of hay this spring, we were faced with drought
conditions. What hay we did harvest was extremely expensive
due to increased input costs such as fertilize, diesel and even the 
net wrap.  There is no such thing as cheap hay this year!

There were times this summer during the drought
 combined with extreme heat, it was doubtful that we
 would have another cutting of hay .
 I'm thankful that the rain did begin to fall and we were 
able to get a badly needed  second cutting.

Farmers in many areas are still dealing with drought
conditions and are buying hay to feed their beef and
dairy cattle.

I'm thankful that we were able to provide  hay to a 
Texas farmer friend this week and for the 

                                                blessings we receive in sharing our bounty.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Blessings

Our Easter blessings began  
with the  ordinary daily work
of caring for our dairy cattle ,

the opportunity to gather with our church family for the
first time in months due to the pandemic,

gathering around the table to enjoy a family meal,

the joy and excitement on the faces of the grandchildren
as they investigated the contents of their Easter baskets,

the beautiful weather that made hunting Easter eggs
one of the afternoon's  highlights,

the joy of sharing our dairy farming way of 
life with the next generation.

                                           Our greatest blessing is that we serve a  risen Savior!

                                           It's His great love that blesses us  on the ordinary and 

                                              extraordinary days of life down on the dairy farm.



Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Fall has arrived!
Just in the last few days, we are wearing jackets 
in the morning and sweating in the late afternoon.
That's how it is in Arkansas!
The grass is mostly brown with a twinge
of green but it will still provide a tasty
treat this winter for our cows to enjoy!

    As the hay harvest season is winding down,
    the calving season is speeding up!

    I'm thankful for these  new healthy 

    that are arriving in the perfect 
    days of fall

    for the changes of the season
    that remind us to count our
    many blessings down on the 
    dairy farm.

    Tuesday, December 25, 2018

    Christmas Blessings

    Merry Christmas!
    Even though we will be doing our usual everyday chores of 
    feeding, milking and caring for our dairy cows and calves, 
    we always find time to celebrate together as a family.

    From down on the dairy farm,
    we wish you joy within your home,
    love within your hearts
    and happiness that all comes through 
    the greatest gift that was given to us...Jesus.

    Christmas Blessings!

    Thursday, November 29, 2018

    Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

    Thanksgiving has come and gone but
    it has left a great appreciation for all the blessings 
    we enjoy on the ordinary days down on the dairy farm.
    Enthusiasm for eating is obvious at the feed wagon
    or the family table!

    I'm thankful for the crop growing season and harvest 
    of the crops  that has produced 
    the silage and hay that our dairy cows are enjoying each day.

    Wednesday, September 13, 2017

    Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

    There's nothing sweeter than watching a mother with her new baby.
    It's a reminder of all the many blessings that we often 
    take for granted when life gets too busy.

                                     This baby was delivered without any complications this week
                                   just in time to greet a group of children making a visit to the farm.

                                  I'm thankful for the blessings of life that we can share with others!

    Wednesday, November 23, 2016

    Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

    Count Your Blessings

    Count your blessings;
    Name them one by one.
    Count your blessings;
    See what God hath done.
    Count your blessings;
    Name them one by one.
    Count your many  blessings;
    See what God hath done.

                               ---J. Oatman,Jr. 1856-1922

                                                         I'm thankful for the blessings of life--
                                                             faith, family, farming and friends.

                                                        Happy Thanksgiving!

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    Happy Mother's Day

    My life has been blessed by  this experience called motherhood--
    make that double blessed!
    It's hard to believe I've had twenty-six years of these blessings!

    The older I grow, I  also realize how lucky I've been to have a Mother that has loved and nurtured me, supported and encouraged me, guided me with wisdom and patience and shared her faith in God every step of the way.
                                                             Happy Mother's Day!

    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    Mud Puddle Blessings

    Before this year's drought, I don't think I really gave a lot of thought to mud puddles except when trying to keep my two little boys from jumping in the middle of them. Living through a drought, no doubt, brings a new perspective--mud puddles are now on my list of blessings! It was a welcome sight this morning to see mud puddles from the inch of rain that fell during the night.

    Even though we have had a little rain since the beginning of fall, we are still fourteen inches below normal and will be dealing with the effects of drought through the winter as we strive to feed our cattle a nutritious diet of hay and grain. With a shortage of hay and the high cost of grain created by the drought, it is necessary to remove cows from the dairy herd that are not being productive. Today we sent eight of our milking cows to the local cattle sale. Although this is a common practice that allows a dairy farm to bring new, more productive cows into the herd, it has been difficult but necessary for us to use stricter criteria to cull our dairy cows during this drought.

    Although the effects of this drought will be a challenge for our family farm for a very long time, I'm thankful for each day and every mud puddle!

    Sunday, September 30, 2012

    Sunday Specials

    Fall has arrived!  The flowers in my yard (what have survived the drought) are taking on a brighter look as the days are cooler and shorter. I love to watch this season of transition and appreciate the reminders of how blessed we are on the dairy farm even in the midst of extreme drought challenges.

                                                    Sunday Blessings to you and your family!

    Wednesday, July 18, 2012

    Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

                      During stressful times, it's important to focus on the
                          blessings that are often taken for granted.
       I'm thankful for my faith in God,my family and our dairy farm.