Showing posts with label balage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balage. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Our "rain, rain go away" chant  just didn't work!
For at least three weeks we have been hoping to see the
custom chopper pull into the fields for the spring harvest 
of our wheat crop but when the fields were too water logged
 for chopping it was decided that we would be cutting,
 baling and wrapping this wheat crop.

Harvest began today with the cutting of the first wheat field.
Hattie and Breck became part of the harvest crew. 

Their smiles during the tractor ride definitely provided the sunshine today!

I'm thankful for the wheat crop that is still able to be harvested
and used  to feed our cows and calves

                                       for the forever flexible farmers that never give up!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

We're not so happy about ninety plus degree weather in August even
 though it's expected , but  the farmers are smiling about all the green grass.

I'm thankful for August green and the supply of hay our
 cows will enjoy this fall and winter.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Dairy farmers in Northwest Arkansas can be found celebrating
 June Dairy Month in the hay field!
Today's hot,sunny weather  was perfect for cutting,baling and 
wrapping hay for our dairy cows. 

I find it amazing to watch this process...

                                I'm thankful for the two sons who work on our Arkansas dairy
                                  farm  to make sure we  have quality feed for our dairy cows.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Planning a harvest time for any crop can be tricky when the weatherman
 is predicting a chance of rain everyday.
When it looked like we might have a day of sunny weather  to allow
 just enough drying time before chopping and hauling to the silo,
 the mowing began

Watching this process is fascinating when it goes according to the plan.
Most of the crop was hauled to the silo but  when mechanical
 issues stopped the process,

I'm thankful 

we still managed to harvest the crop by 

changing the plan to  wrapping and baling.