Showing posts with label Thankful Thursday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thankful Thursday. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thankful Thursday


                            It was a little easier to take those bitterly cold temperatures this month

                                                      when we received the gift of snow.

I am thankful for the beautiful snow days.
The blanket of snow makes everything look so pretty.
 Even though the daily  chores continue
regardless of the weather, there is  a joy in 
the beauty a snowy day provides.

The cows are fed a little more hay and grain  to
 meet their nutritional needs during extreme cold weather.

Big round hay bales are  unrolled to  provide a soft,
 warm place for cows to rest during snowy weather.  

Checking water hydrants and breaking ice on the ponds when
necessary are also part of the snowy day protocol.


                                             While I'm hoping for another snow day this year,

                                                               I'm thankful for this one!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Summertime cattle working is not always so pleasant when the sun is
 beaming down but the job was much easier when we all worked together.
 Lucky for us the clouds gathered up and provided relief for us and the calves. 
The  job included applying pour on fly deterrent,giving a dose of wormer 
and checking for pink-eye that is usually caused by those pesky flies.

As we wrapped up July, August began with a pleasant surprise of 
record breaking cool weather. Even though we haven't suffered with
100 degree days this summer,I am thankful for the cool mornings
and evenings that are bringing refreshment to us as we continue 
our summertime journey down on the dairy farm.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Even though we have a daily routine that includes milking our cows
 and feeding all the animals on the farm, today was anything but ordinary.
During fall or spring calving season, 
it's not unusual to have from one to three calves born.
Today we had a total of nine new babies!

It was anything but a routine afternoon  as Ryan and I worked to
give each new calf a bottle of colostrum and vaccinations to prevent illness.

I'm thankful for these kind of interruptions of our daily routine
that bring smiles to our dairy farmer faces

                                         for the new crop of calves for Hattie  to help  feed!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Benton County Farm Bureau Women's Committee sponsors a 
Dairy Foods Contest for 4-H members  every year  as an effort to 
promote dairy products and provide a learning experience for our youth.
Each contestant chooses to make a recipe in either the Main Dish or Party Idea category.

As a dairy farmer, I love this promotion of the product we work to produce.

It's always inspiring to see how the contestants use their creative talents 
to select a recipe that  will use as many dairy ingredients as possible,  
 present their creation in a beautiful table setting and describe how 
they enjoy  serving their particular recipe at home or with friends.

The winning recipe of each category will be submitted
 to the Arkansas Farm Bureau Dairy Foods Contest.

I'm thankful for the judges who take on the task of choosing the best recipe,

the 4-H members who choose to learn about dairy foods,

for other dairy farmers  and members of our committee 
who support  youth activities and dairy foods!

                                                        It was an Undeniably Dairy event!