Showing posts with label Registered Dietitian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Registered Dietitian. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

                                       As a dairy farmer, I was honored to attend the recent
                                annual conference for registered dietitians in Arkansas held at
                                           Arkansas Children's Nutrition Campus  in Little Rock.
                             Learning about the latest research in nutrition and how that
                               research  is used in helping patients or clients is fascinating
                                                  to me as a nurse and dairy farmer.

                              Dr. Jim Painter, a conference speaker sponsored by Midwest Dairy,
                    presented a talk  called "Finding Truth in Failed Theories of Heart Disease".

                          The gist of his talk was that by digging for the truth and looking at
                        current research on the good fat in dairy, consumption of  whole
                            fat dairy is most  likely on the forefront of being preventive 
                                                         for cardiovascular problems.
                                           I must say that was music to my dairy farmer ears!

                                          I also  appreciated Dr. Painter  sharing his expertise
                           in wine tasting and cheese pairing during the Networking Reception.

During the conference, I met many of the dietitians and shared 
how we work everyday on the farm to produce nutritious milk. 
It's always fun to talk about how we use a dairy nutritionist  
and share our appreciation for what nutritionists and dietitians
  do for all of us.

                                 I'm thankful for the work of Midwest Dairy to foster the unique
                                  relationship between dairy farmers and dietitians and for the
                              research that supports  dairy as an important part of a healthy diet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

With March being National Nutrition Month, it's only right that registered dietitians
 have their own day (March 11)  during the month!

Happy Registered Dietitian Day!

This group of dietitians visited our farm last year to find out how we produce safe,high-quality milk. 

Registered dietitians work in a variety of settings to provide nutritional information.

I'm thankful for the interest and educational training  registered dietitians have in helping clients of all ages in making nutritional choices that improve lifestyles ,boost health and especially for their efforts to reduce childhood obesity.