The Real Seal is a logo you find on products that contain real dairy ingredients. Dairy farmers and dairy farm families are also the real deal behind the seal. As a dairy farmer I want to give you some real truthful information. Caring for our animals is real important to our farms sustainability. Proper and humane treatment of our cows is a real committment. As a cooperative member of Dairy Farmers of America, we have attained the Gold Standard Dairy Program Certificate. This is an on farm audit that assesses,analyzes and provides feedback regarding on farm practices, encourages continuous improvement and recognizes achievements. Dairy farmers are the real deal---real people, real values,real love of animals,real contributers to society, real lovers of the land,real American values and real belief in God. We are the Real deal with the Real Seal with a Real story--REALLY! Just ask a dairy farmer for a real answer to questions about what we do on the farm.