Showing posts with label MyPlate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MyPlate. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2012

Nutrition Tips for 2012

While packing up the Christmas tree and decorations and thinking about the possibilities of the New Year, I decided that health would be at the top of my personal improvement list.  We work diligently everyday on the dairy farm to make sure that our dairy cows are provided with a nutritious and balanced diet to produce high quality milk, so why would I not strive to improve my own personal  nutritional health habits?

In the past few months, the USDA has provided a new nutrition guide called MyPlate. The Choose My Plate tip sheet can help guide food choices for a healthy lifestyle by balancing calories, choosing foods to eat more often and to cut back on foods to eat less often. You can find more detailed  nutrition  information  at

10 Tips to a Great Plate
  1. Balance calories
  2. Enjoy your food,but eat less
  3. Avoid oversized portions
  4. Foods to eat more often: vegetables,fruits,whole grains,fat-free or 1%milk or dairy products
  5. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
  6. Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk
  7. Make half your grains whole grains
  8. Foods to eat less often: foods high in solid fats,added sugars and salt
  9. Compare sodium in foods
  10. Drink water instead of sugary drinks

                             I'm already getting started on my 2012  improvement plan.  How about you?