Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2022

A Mother's Love

What's not to love about this day of celebrating mothers?

Down on the farm, we celebrate all mothers!

A Mother's Love
A mother's love is special
It's present every day,
A gift that came from heaven
That God has sent our way.
Her job is never ending
She's there all day and night,
To be there for her children
And be their guiding light.
Her thoughts are with them always
Even if they are apart,
Her children have a special place
Deep down inside her heart.
Mother's are a special gift-
A gift from up above,
This world would seem so empty
Without a Mother's love.
                             --T. Entzminger


Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a day of celebration and making memories with
those we love most.  My earliest recollection of today's celebration 
would be the cards we often made in Sunday School accompanied by
the flower in a paper cup to be given to Mother.

My heart is full of gratefulness for the love that has
been showered on me by my Mother and the women in my family.
It seems fitting to share the poem from a  Mother's Day
 ribbon I received at 
church when my boys were little. 

Two Temples
A Builder buildeth a temple,
He wrought it with grace and skill;
Pillars and groins and arches
All fashioned to work his will.
Men said as they saw its beauty
"It shall never know decay;
Great is thy skill, O Builder!
Thy fame shall endure for aye."

A MOTHER  builded a temple
With loving and infinite care,
Planning each arch with patience,
Laying each stone with prayer.
None praised her unceasing efforts,
None knew of her wondrous plan,
For the temple the Mother builded
Was unseen by the eyes of man.

Gone is the Builder's temple
Crumbled into the dust;
Low lies each stately pillar,
Food for consuming rust.
But the temple the Mother builded
 Will last while the ages roll,
For that beautiful unseen temple 
Was a child's immortal soul.
 ---Hattie Vose Hall

  Happy Mother's Day!








Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

I'm looking forward to sitting around the table with my family
in celebration of Mother's Day.
It's our family tradition down on the dairy farm.

As I have been making preparation for our gathering,
it has been a sweet time of reflection of how 
blessed I am to have a sweet Mother who  loves me,

a mother-in-love who  raised the farmer I married,
  and the opportunity to be a mother and a grandmother. 

                                                       Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

A Mother's Love

A mother's love is special
It's present every day.
A gift that came from heaven
That God has sent our way.
Her job is never ending
She's there all day and night. 
To be there for her children 
An be their guiding light. 
Her thoughts are with them always
Even if they are apart.
Her children have a special place
Deep down inside her heart.
Mother's are a special gift-
A gift from up above,
This world would seem so empty
Without a Mother's Love.
                                    --T. Entzminger

From down on the dairy farm...

                                                        Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sweet Mother'sDay

                                          Mother's Day is one of the sweetest celebrations
                                                   when surrounded by the ones you love.

                                It was a great time of food, fellowship and of course...dessert!
                                  You can't beat a piece of Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake
                                             topped with strawberries and vanilla ice cream.

Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake

1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
1 8 oz  pkg. cream cheese,softened
3 cups sifted cake flour
6 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Cream butter and shortening; gradually add sugar, beating well at medium speed with electric mixer.
Add cream cheese,beating well until light and fluffy. Alternately add flour, and eggs, beginning and ending with flour. Stir in vanilla.

Pour batter into greased and floured 10 inch tube pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until pick comes out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes, remove from pan and let cool completely on wire rack.

                                                    Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

A Mother's Love

A mother's love is special 
It's present every day.
A gift that came from heaven
That God has sent our way.
Her job is never ending
She's there all day and night,
To be there for her children
And be their guiding light.
Her thoughts are with them always
Even if they are apart,
Her children have a special place 
Deep down inside her heart.
Mother's are a special gift-
A gift from up above.
The world would seem so empty 
Without a Mother's love.
                       --T. Entzminger

Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mother's Day Trifle

A couple of years ago, I thought it would be great to have some mint growing in a flower bed. You probably know the rest of the story. With the invasive characteristic of mint, I could share mint beyond my local community!
What better way to use a few sprigs of mint than on servings of Midwest Dairy's 
Mint Brownie Trifle.
It will be a perfect addition to any Mother's Day celebration
 and a delicious way to share an abundance of mint. 

Mint Brownie Trifle


Non-stick cooking spray
1 package (19.5 oz.) milk chocolate brownie mix
1/3 cup vanilla non-fat Greek-style yogurt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
14 creme de menthe chocolate layered
      mints (Andes mints) cut into small pieces

For pudding:
1 package (3.3 oz) white chocolate instant pudding mix
2 cups fat-free milk

For topping:
3 ounces Neufchatel cream cheese
1/3 cup vanilla non-fat Greek-style yogurt
4 teaspoons confectioners sugar
For mint curl decoration: 6 creme de
menthe chocolate layered mints


For brownies,preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease bottom of a 9x13 in. baking pan with non-stick cooking spray. In a medium bowl, combine brownie mix,eggs,yogurt, and vegetable oil. Stir with a spoon until well blended. Stir in mint pieces. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 22 to 28 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center of brownies has moist crumbs attached. allow brownies to cool completely. Cut into small pieces.

For pudding, combine pudding mix and milk in a medium bowl. Mix according to package directions.

For topping, combine cream cheese, yogurt and confectioners' sugar in a small bowl. Beat with electric mixer until well blended.

For mint curl decoration, use a vegetable peeler to make small curls by shaving down the long edge of the mint.

Layer the pudding and brownies in a 3 quart trifle bowl in two layers. Spoon the topping over the top layer. Decorate with mint curls. Cover and chill until ready to serve. Yields approximately 20 servings.

To serve as individual portions: Use 12 4-ounce jelly jars. Spoon one tablespoon of pudding in each jar.Then cut approximately 2" square brownie and break it apart into 4-6 chunky pieces. Drop brownie pieces into the jar on top of pudding. Repeat process with one tablespoon of pudding and chunky brownie pieces until jar is full. Finish with one tablespoon of topping and garnish with mint curl decoration. Cover and chill until ready to serve. This method yields approximately 12 servings.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Although I was truly spoiled on Mother's Day with  roses,candy, an assortment of gifts
and  gathering around the table for lunch together,

I'm most thankful for the daily blessings I experience as a Mother,

working with my family every day on our dairy farm,


                                for the fact that this third generation dairy  farmer chose a city girl !

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope Mother's Day is full of blessings for you and your family!
We're celebrating the birth of 5 calves this morning--a perfect Mother's Day!

                                                        Mother's are outstanding in any field!

                                                         Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

My life has been blessed by  this experience called motherhood--
make that double blessed!
It's hard to believe I've had twenty-six years of these blessings!

The older I grow, I  also realize how lucky I've been to have a Mother that has loved and nurtured me, supported and encouraged me, guided me with wisdom and patience and shared her faith in God every step of the way.
                                                         Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Our Mother's Day tradition includes  a family dinner topped with a special dessert. Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake, topped with strawberries and vanilla ice cream is a perfect choice!

Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake

1 cup butter,softened
1/2 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
1 8oz cream cheese,softened
3 cups sifted flour
6 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

Cream butter and shortening; gradually add sugar,beating well at medium speed. Add cream cheese,beating well until light and fluffy. Alternately add flour and eggs, beginnng and ending with flour. Stir in vanilla.

Pour batter into greased and floured 10 inch tube pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until pick comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 minutes, remove from pan and cool completely on wire rack.

                                                       From our dairy farm family to you--

                                                              HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dairymom's Mother's Day Tradition

Celebrating Mother's Day with a family dinner is our long standing tradition. After an action packed week of dairy farm chores and off the farm volunteer activities, I've got a zillion things to get done in preparation for our after church Mother's Day cookout. Tomorrow's dessert will be Crusty Cream Cheese Cream Pound Cake topped with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream and fresh strawberries. You can't go wrong with this sweet treat and it's one of my Mother's favorite!

Crusty Cream Cheese Pound Cake
1 cup butter,softened
1/2 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
1 8 oz. package cream cheese,softened
3 cups sifted flour
6 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

Cream butter and shortening; gradually add sugar, beating well at medium speed of electric mixer. Add cream cheese, beating well until light and fluffy. Alternately add flour and eggs, beginning and ending with flour. Stir in vanilla.
Pour batter into greased and floured 10 inch tube pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until pick comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 minutes, remove from pan and let cool completely on wire rack.

                                                                Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Gift

A Mother's Love

A mother's love is special

It's a present every day.

A gift that came from heaven

That God has sent our way.

Her job is never ending

She's there all day and night.

To be there for her children

And be their guiding light.

Her thoughts are with them always

Even if they are apart,

Her children have a special place,

Deep down inside her heart.

Mother's are a special gift-

A gift from up above

This world would seem so empty

Without a Mother's love.

-T. Entzminger

Happy Mother's Day !

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

My Mother celebrated her 80th birthday just a month ago. She has always been an inspiration to me, an encourager when times are tough, and a true mentor to me through my lifetime.
I am thankful for the special relationship that we enjoy and the fact that we will be celebrating Mother's Day together.
Happy Mother's Day!