Showing posts with label January. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

January Reflections

January is in full swing...
freezing weather and high winds,
 a little fog,
lightning but no rain,
a little sleet,
 single digit  temperatures followed
70  degree days...

but what can you say?
It's crazy January!
The calves are handling crazy weather better than the 

I will say, January also gives time to reflect on some
of the fun times of the holiday season...

and a special Christmas gift of a visit from 
my friend Nancy.

Life on the farm just can't get any better when you 
have the love of family and friends.
It's that love that keeps us going on the 
toughest days.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

So far, January weather has just been teasing us with skiffs
 of snow and frigid temperatures that blew in from the north after
 seventy degree temperatures during the holidays.

These extreme changes of weather are a stress on all of us.
It becomes even more important to closely monitor the cows 
and calves for any sign of illness during stressful events and
provide comfort and protection as much as possible.

Blanket coats for the calves and hay rolled out for the cows to rest
on during frigid temperatures are ways we can reduce the stress 
created by  weather conditions beyond our control.

I'm thankful for the healthy calves that have been born during 
challenging weather conditions,

for our devoted farm dogs that provide entertainment
for us and the cows,

and for the warm blanket coats  for the calves and
the farmers that care for all the animals down on the
dairy farm.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

January must know her days are limited as she brought us 
chilling temperatures and a skiff of snow just at calf feeding
time this morning.  
A new baby and her mother were just what I needed to
warm my heart on this cold January morning.

After all the calves were fed their morning milk and grain,
we picked up the baby , transported her to a warm calf
hutch and walked her mother to the milk barn.
It's my job from this point to monitor and care for the 
baby. High-quality milk begins with a healthy cow and
it begins on this very first day.

Who else gets to feel such joy and can describe having
fun at work more days than not!
I'm thankful!


Monday, January 15, 2018

January Shows Off

January is showing off  with single digit temperatures for 
 multiple days and so far has just teased us with a skiff of snow.
It may be all that she can do!
There's not another layer I can add to keep warm and still fit 
into my coveralls so why shouldn't I taunt her?

Although the cows don't seem to be taking it as hard as the farmers,
we have unrolled large hay bales in the pastures for them to lay on, increased
 the amount of feed needed and made sure their water supply is not frozen.

This new baby and mother spent their first night inside
 the maternity barn for added protection from extreme cold.

                                        Evaluating our cows comfort and providing what they
                                         need is an everyday  activity down on the dairy farm.

                                      Our commitment to providing high-quality milk begins
                                      with taking good care of our cows in spite of the weather!