Showing posts with label Great American Milk Drive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great American Milk Drive. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Raise Your Glass for World Milk Day

We're  kicking off June Dairy Month celebrating World Milk Day (June 1)
 down on the dairy farm 
by raising a glass of our favorite ...MILK!

World Milk Day was established  in 2001 by the Food and 
Agriculture Organization  of the United Nations to recognize
 the importance  of milk as a global food.

Behind every nutritious drop, is a dedicated dairy farm family.

We invite you to celebrate with us today  by raising a glass (or two) and
 if you share your toast on a social media channel using hashtags 
#WorldMilkDay or #RaiseAGlass, 
our Dairy Farmers of America Cooperative will donate $1 
to the Great American Milk Drive, up to $10,000. 

Just think how many more of our friends could enjoy a glass of nutritious milk 
by today's #World Milk Day celebration!

                                                        I just love about you?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dairy Farmers Nourish the Nation

What's not to love about living on an Arkansas dairy farm!
That  was my thought as I drove past this  mama cow with her   new  baby calf.

Like dairy farmers in all 50 states,  we  are working seven days a week to produce nutritious,affordable milk by caring for our cows and the land while using fewer resources. 

Dairy farmers are working to nourish the nation and  help fight hunger in America by  partnering  with Feeding America, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the National Dairy Council to get milk to hungry families.

You can help to nourish the nation  by donating to The Great American Milk Drive.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Hunger is real in America--in  fact, 1 in 6 Americans face hunger. I felt privileged to learn about   The Ozarks Food Harvest which is  the Feed America food bank for Southwest Missouri.  This organization is located in Springfield, Missouri and serves 200 hunger relief organizations across 28 Ozark counties.
It's a beautiful facility made possible by generous donations from the O'Reilly family and many other community businesses and organizations.
We toured all of the warehouse facility--including the refrigerator and freezer sections.
Dairy farmers always want to see where the milk is stored!
It takes a lot of dedication from employees and volunteers to get the food where it is needed.
I particularly enjoyed learning about the
efforts made to educate about nutrition and how to cook the food that is being donated.
I'm thankful for food banks across America and for the Great American Milk Drive that is working to get milk donated to food banks.