Showing posts with label Freedom to Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom to Farm. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

We salute our Veterans.
Where would we be without their service to our country?

As we go about our daily work down on the dairy farm,
we celebrate our freedom to farm and live a most blessed
life in the United Sates of America.

Ryan's dad, Bill, served during World War II.
He was a medic stationed in Japan and returned
home to farm. The horrors of war were
too painful to talk about but you never questioned 
his love of country.

My Dad, Harral, served in the Navy
just as the war was coming to an end.
He was a man of few words but his devotion to
 our nation was unwavering.

                                             I'm thankful for the service of these two fathers who 

                         helped instill the love of country into their children and grandchildren 

                              and all Veterans across our nation that served to protect our freedom.

                                                     May God continue to bless our nation!



Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thank a Veteran

Bill Anglin, my father-in-law, served in the Army during
World War II.  Part of his service time was spent in Japan
as a medic.  Bill never talked about his war experience but
we know that he witnessed much pain and suffering during his
time of service.  He was like many others that returned to their homes
and communities and went about living life to the fullest with
their families. Although  returning home was a victory ,  there was
a great awareness of and appreciation for those that gave all for 
the protection of freedom.

We continue to enjoy the freedom to farm and
live as we choose because of the brave men and women
who have served and are serving to protect our freedoms.

                                                           Many thanks to every Veteran!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Everyday

We might not be farming today if it were not for the
 brave men and women who sacrificed for our freedom.

As I walk by the old hay barn everyday where Ryan's Mother
 milked cows during World War II, I can only imagine
the pain and suffering of our friends and neighbors who 
endured the loss of their friends  and  family members during 
times of war.

I can never repay them but I will never forget them.

Memorial Day is not just a day...
it is everyday.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Reflection

Even though it's another day of work on the dairy farm,
Memorial Day for us is always a  time
 for remembrance and thankfulness for the men and women 
who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we have the
 freedom to farm and all the freedoms we Americans enjoy.

Ryan's Dad served in Japan during World War II.
 Fortunately for us, he did return home.
Although he  never talked about the war, 
we knew it was  a life changing experience from the way he 
loved us and shared his love of country.

We must never forget the sacrifices of those serving to protect our freedoms .
I'm grateful for this day of remembrance across our great nation.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Happy Veteran's Day

As I traveled to the monthly Benton County Farm Bureau board meeting tonight, I tuned into a special KURM  radio broadcast of a Veteran's Day assembly at one of our local schools.
Students were singing the most beautiful  arrangement of America the Beautiful.

Listening to the music reminded me of all the blessings of freedom 
 we enjoy daily thanks to the service of  our Veterans.

May we never take our freedom for granted.

Happy Veteran's Day!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Freedom to Farm

We are blessed to live in America, the land of the free and the brave. 
Both of our fathers served  our country during World War II and although neither talked very much about the war, we know that our freedom is precious. Our freedom to live, work and farm  on our 3rd generation Arkansas  dairy farm is possible because of those who were willing to protect our freedom.

                             Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and thankfulness for those who
                                        have given the ultimate sacrifice to provide for our freedom.
                        A heart felt thanks to the men, women and families that have sacrificed for all of us!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Celebrating Veterans Day always reminds me of how fortunate I am to live in America.
I'm thankful that our family has the freedom to farm and that the freedom to farm allows other Americans to follow their dreams and ambitions.

Dairy Farm Fact:

More than 51,000 U.S. dairy farms provide
 milk, cheese, and yogurt to  the United States and other countries.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Freedom to Farm

We'll be milking the cows, feeding the calves , baling hay and planting a crop before  we pack up our traditional  picnic supper, load the lawn chairs and head to the pasture where we watch the July 4th fireworks provided by the communities that surround our farm property.  

We don't take our freedom to farm for granted--it's an honor and privilege to be an American dairy farmer working to provide high-quality milk everyday (that includes weekends and holidays)  by caring for our animals and the land we call home. 

                                                               God Bless America!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Freedom to Farm

Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer as we move to many fun outdoor activities and sharing special times with our friends and family. Yesterday I made a visit to a small community cemetery to place flowers on the graves of several family members. Memorial Day also known in the beginning as Decoration Day began in 1868 to honor the memory of those who paid the ultimate price for our country after the Civil War. Visiting the cemetery brings a special time of reflection for me. Looking across the cemetery I noticed that small flags had been placed on each grave of men and women who have served in our military. Because of the courage,devotion and committment of those who have gone before us, we have the freedom to farm.