Showing posts with label Earth Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Earth Day is Everyday

                                    Down on the dairy farm, Earth Day is Everyday.  

                                 We don't just say that, we live it...EVERYDAY!

                                                     It starts with cow care. 

                     The carbon footprint of milk has been  reduced by 63 percent due  to       improvements in animal breeding, animal  health   programs,  cow comfort            measures   and overall  farm management   practices.

                         Everyday we feed our cows a nutritious, balanced diet.

Everyday we  follow regulations and best management practices to protect
the environment for our cows, our family and our community.

Everyday we recycle the cows' manure to fertilize crops that we
raise to feed the cows.

Everyday we strive to produce high-quality nutritious milk by caring
for our cows and the land we call home.

Earth Day really is Everyday down on the dairy farm!

Happy Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Earth Day is Everyday

Everyday is Earth Day down on the dairy farm. 

We celebrate Earth Day by how we provide everyday care
 for the land by utilizing science and best management
 practices that make economic sense, help the environment
  and are socially responsible to our community.

Everything we do makes a difference  such as:

protecting air quality by following proper manure storage practices,

recycling manure to fertilize crop and pasture land,

growing crops with recycled manure that builds the
organic materials in the soil and improves water retention,

reducing the carbon footprint of milk by 63 percent due to 
improvements in animal feeding,animal health programs
and overall farm management practices.
                                                           When you get right down to it,
                                                      we celebrate Earth Day Everyday,
                                                            for the next generation.

Happy Earth Day Everyday!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Day is Everyday

                                          Down on the dairy farm, Earth Day is everyday.
                                            Every day in each season  is filled with tasks
                                         that utilize the land for sustaining our family farm.
                                       It's our job as caretakers of the Earth to use our natural
                                            resources wisely and strive to leave the land in
                                                 better condition for the next generation.
                                       As farmers, we take our job seriously  and recognize
                                       that we are blessed to have the responsibility of being
                                               caretakers of the Earth and producers of food
                                                              for families across America.

                                                                Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Earth Day Everyday

Earth Day really is everyday down on the dairy farm.
As I watched the group of calves resting in the pasture next to the field 
filled with milking cows,my thoughts turned to how we have 
changed the environmental impact on dairy farms.

It's a fact that improvements in dairy cow nutrition, comfort, health and breeding have led to significant impact in production while decreasing the overall environmental impact.

Dairy farms today produce a gallon milk using 
95 percent less land and 65 percent less water while producing 
76 percent less manure compared with 1944.

                                               Our farm has been in the family since 1919.
                            We love caring for our animals, contributing to the local community
                               and most important, producing healthy milk,cheese and yogurt
                                                                for you and your family.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Earthday Everyday

On Earth Day, like everyday down on the dairy farm,
you'll find us milking our cows twice a day,

feeding our cows nutritious feed,

and watching our crops grow.

Earth Day is Everyday down on the dairy farm.
We understand the importance of taking 
good care of this land we call home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dairy Celebrates Earth Day Everyday

Even though you may not find any dairy farmers at the local Earth Day celebration,  
 Earth Day is celebrated  everyday on the dairy farm as we care for our animals and  work to protect  and conserve  our natural resources for future generations.
In fact, the  dairy industry has reduced the environmental impact of a gallon of milk since 1944, resulting in 90% less cropland,76% less manure, 65% less water and 63% less carbon.

Reducing milk's carbon footprint by 25% by 2020 is part of an industry-wide sustainability initiative.

Feeding our dairy cows a  nutritious diet everyday  produces milk efficiently  and    is just one of the important ways we reduce our carbon footprint. 

I'm pretty sure our cows are celebrating Earth Day Everyday as I watch them eat!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Dairy Farmers Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

Earth Day isn't just a one day celebration on our  dairy farm--it's an everyday experience   as we work to produce  high-quality milk by caring for our animals and conserving natural resources for future generations.

 It's a fact that dairy farms today produce a gallon of milk using 95 percent less land and 65 percent less water while producing 76 percent less manure compared with 1944. It's the modern science and technology that make it possible to produce more milk today with only 9 million cows than with 26 million cows in 1944.

In looking to reduce our carbon footprint and operate as sustainably as possible, we completed an energy audit  in 2012 with the help of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy and its partners EnSave and USDA Natural Resources and Conservation Services. The audit provided potential areas for saving energy use and improving long-term efficiency and profitability.

Last year after completion of the energy audit,  we  chose to install equipment in the milking parlor that would reduce the amount of electricity used to cool the milk. By installing this equipment we saw immediate results in efficiency and a reduction in the farm's carbon footprint. The change saved more than 26,000 kilowatts in electricity and  reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 6 tons annually.

 In addition to saving electricity, the plate cooler provided additional water that can be recycled for our cows to drink. We installed two rubber tire water tanks  for the cows to enjoy drinking from  year-round.  A win-win for us, the environment   and the cows!

We'll be using our energy audit to provide direction for other changes we can make to operate as sustainably as possible and continue to celebrate Earth Day Everyday down on the dairy farm.

How will you celebrate Earth Day?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Earth Day Dairy Spin

Although it's Earth Day Everyday on the dairy farm, I was an invited guest to the  early  Earth Day celebration with Bentonville students at Old High Middle School. Students enjoyed a variety of activities related to protecting and caring for the earth that are important  to   everyday living.

Sharing information about dairy farming is important to me   because caring for the environment is a responsibility dairy farmers share with our local community. Good environmental practices are  essential to a dairy farm's success and for  future generations. You can find more dairy facts and information about sustainability and environmental protection practices   at Midwest Dairy.

                       My display included information about dairy nutrition and dairy farming.

It was my day to be the Vanna of Dairy--passing out string cheese for every spin of the Dairy Wheel of Knowledge!
                                      I had fun  giving my own dairy farmer spin on Earth Day!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dairy Farmers Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

Although we celebrate Earth Day everyday  on the dairy farm by caring for our  land and  animals, harvesting our spring crop of rye grass  is a great way to celebrate the actual day. This crop has grown due to the application of cow manure on the field. Cow manure not only  provides needed  nutrients for a crop , it also   increases the water holding capacity for the soil.

 Recycled cow manure is a perfect example of how we celebrate Earth Day everyday!

Federal ,state and local clean water laws regulate how manure is applied on crop lands, so nutrients are absorbed by crops,not groundwater.  To protect the environment, we follow a farm plan that has been designed by environmental engineering specialists that  guide how much manure can be applied to acceptable acres of farm and crop land.

From all of us down on the dairy farm,
Happy Earth Day!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Everyday List for the Earth

It's not supposed to be necessary to wear long underwear for Earth Day outdoor activities in Northwest Arkansas in April, but it was good planning for our  activity  at Old High Middle School!  The chilly temperature did not lessen the excitement of the students as they moved to different activities on the front lawn of the school.

Our topic for the day was the Water Cycle and we had a lot of fun playing the Water Drop game to provide information about the importance of water and how we strive to recycle and protect our water supply.

If you're wondering how you may celebrate Earth Day everyday, here's the list we shared with the students:

  • Unplug electronics. Even though they aren't in use, electronics still use up energy if they're plugged in.
  • reuse bags you've been collecting whenever possible.
  • Pledge to cut down on buying bottles of water. Get a reuseable bottle!
  • Teach kids about reusing,reducing and recycling. Lessons today will turn to action tomorrow! Lead by example.
  • Turn off the lights! So easy to do--make it a habit when you leave a room.
  • Don't waste water. Be conscious of your water usage.
  • Change the light bulbs in your house to Compact Florescent Lights (CFls). You'll save energy and also money on your electric bill.
  • Plant a tree.
  • When running errands have your route planned ahead of time so you are not back tracking.
  • Compost. Reducing the amount of solid waste produced in a year means taking up less space in landfills. Plus, compost makes a great natural fertilizer.
  • Maintain your car by keeping tire pressure right.
  • Drive smarter by slowing down. Take it easy on the gas pedal and brakes.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Farmers Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

Protecting the environment as we work to produce high-quality milk is a priority for my fourth generation dairy farm family. Recycling the manure that our cows produce is one of the ways we celebrate Earth Day everyday on the dairy farm.

Recycling the manure from 300 dairy cows requires a permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. The permit allows storage of liquid and dry nutrient and utilization of the manure nutrients to fertilize our land. A special farm plan designed by soil scientists provides the guidance as to how much manure can be applied to each designated field.

Recycled cow manure builds organic matter in the soil, increases the water holding capacity of the soil, and decreases the amount of commercial fertilizer needed for crops. Our everyday celebration protects the environment and increases the sustainability of our farm.

Farmers and rancers across America celebrate Earth Day everyday as we work to care for our animals and land to provide the safest,most affordable and available food supply in the world. As dairy farmers, we rely on sound science and technology to help us produce a healthy product and protect and preserve our land for the next generation.

From my family to yours--Happy Earth Day!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Celebrate Earth Day with Dairy Recipe

Although Everyday is Earth day for dairy farmers , it's always fun to recognize a special day or occasion with a celebration that includes food.  Cream Puff Cake was one of the many delicious recipes entered in the Farm Bureau dairy recipe contest this week by Maysville 4-H member Jessica Crawley.

Cream Puff Cake

1 cup milk
1/2 unsalted butter
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 eggs,lightly beaten

1 (8ounce) package cream cheese,softened
3 cups milk
2 (3.4 ounces) packages instant vanilla pudding

1 cup heavy whipping cream
Chocolate syrup (fudge topping)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a small saucepan, heat 1 cup milk and butter until melted. Remove from heat and add flour. Stir until a small ball forms. Add eggs,one at a time,stirring until completely mixed in (batter will be slightly sticky). Spread dough in bottom and up sides of a 9" greased round cake pan* (spread as smooth as possible to avoid high bumps after baking). Bake for 25 minutes until slightly browned. Cool on wire rack.

In a large bowl, beat softened cream cheese until smooth. Add milk and pudding mix; beat on low speed until mixture thickens. Spread over cooled crust.

Whip cream until soft peaks form. Spread over pudding layer. Drizzle chocolate syrup or fudge sauce on top. Refrigerate until serving.

Yield: 16 servings
*May use 9x13x2 inch pan. Bake crust for 30-35 minutes.


It does seem fitting for a dairy farmer to celebrate Earth Day with a recipe that includes delicious dairy products!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Earth Day on the downtown Bentonville square was a great time to share how dairy farmers work to produce nutritious milk and protect the environment everyday on the farm. I am thankful for my dairy friends who volunteered their time to share their dairy story with students from local elementary schools.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Every Day is Earth Day to Dairy Farmers

Raise your glass of milk today to dairy farm families across America who are committed everyday to bring science and technology together in an effort to feed more people using less land,water and other natural resources!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Farmers celebrate Earth Day everyday! These dairy heifers are anxious to start celebrating with a bite of hay. I'm thankful for this third generation dairy farmer who loves the land and the animals and works everyday to make this world a better place for the next generation.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dairy Cows Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

How do dairy cows celebrate Earth Day? With Sustainability!! The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy defines sustainability as...

Providing consumers with the nutritious dairy products they want in a way that makes the industry,people,and the earth economically,environmentally and socially better-now and for future generations.

On our dairy farm, the cows celebrate Earth Day everyday by consuming a nutritious,balanced diet to efficiently produce milk while using less of our natural resources and generating less animal waste. Feeding the cows a balanced and nutritious diet is the key to healthy cows and milk production. We sit down once a month with our animal nutritionist to evaluate the feed ingredients and discuss cow production and health records. Efficient feeding and management practices are economically and environmentally beneficial to our farm. Our cows are the very heart of sustainability for our family dairy farm.

Here are some amazing dairy sustainability facts (

  • Since 1944, annual production of milk per cow has quadrupled in the United States

  • Every gallon of milk requires 65 percent less water and 90 percent less land than in 1944

  • 76 percent less manure is being produced for each gallon of milk sold

  • the "carbon footprint" for a gallon of milk in 2007 was 63 percent lower than in 1944

How do you celebrate Earth Day?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dairy Recycling

As I was enjoying the spring sunshine and pulling weeds out of the flower bed, I was thinking about how many generations that our family has been on this farm. Our two sons are the fourth generation to live and work on our farm. Family farms like ours exist today because farmers live and work on the land and understand the importance of protecting natural resources for the next generation. Recycling cow manure is a good example of how farmers protect the environment for future generations.

To protect our land and make use of the nutrient-rich animal manure that our dairy cows produce, we follow a nutrient management plan that is designed specifically for our farm by professionals at the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. Using the nutrient rich manure that our cows produce to fertilize our land makes good economic sense because it decreases the amount of commercial fertilizer that we may need to purchase. Animal manure also conditions the soil and increases the water holding capacity.

Soil samples are collected and tested yearly from every crop field and pasture where we land apply the nutrient-rich manure. These soil tests will tell us how much nutrient/animal manure can be applied for adequate fertilization and guide us to limit application if necessary. Following our farm plan and soil testing are best management practices that protect our natural resources for us, our community and the next generation. Dairy recycling fits perfectly with the sustainability commitment of dairy farm families to farm in a way that makes the dairy industry, people, and the Earth economically,environmentally and socially better--now and for future generations. You can find more information about dairy sustainability at Dairy recycling is just one of the reasons that farmers celebrate Earth Day everyday!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Earth Day--Everyday

As I was feeding baby calves and enjoying a dose of April sunshine, I was also thinking about an upcoming event I will be participating in next week for the celebration of Earth Day. The very first Earth Day celebration began in april 1970 to bring awareness to environmental issues. Farmers and ranchers are known to be the first environmentalists. Like most farm families I know, we live and work on our farms. We work to maintain and improve the soil and our natural resources to pass on to the next generation. Our cows are the perfect recyclers! Just as our urban neighbors are recycling grass,newspaper, and aluminum, we apply our cow manure to fields to replace the nutrients in the soil. Sharing information with our community about dairy farming and agriculture seems a natural fit for Earth Day celebrating, and it's a great way for us to connect with and give back to the people in our area. Dairy farm families essentially celebrate Earth Day every day by taking the best possible care of our land and animals, and it's important for us to encourage others to do their part as well.