Showing posts with label EPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPA. Show all posts

Friday, May 16, 2014

Arkansas Dairy Supports Ditch the Rule

After little rain in the month of April, mud puddles and water standing in the pastures and fields is a welcome sight. This has always been a very expected outcome after a good rain in Northwest Arkansas!
Normal Arkansas weather outcomes  could become costly if the Environmental Protection Agency, lovingly known as the EPA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps)  get there way in proposing the rule to change the definition of "waters of the U.S." and expand the range of waters that fall under federal jurisdiction.
Can you imagine needing a permit for a mud hole? Sounds silly, but under the proposed rule change, it's not impossible. It goes deeper than just water--it would impact common farming practices that have existed for years. The rule change would make it more difficult for private landowners to farm and ranch, build homes or make changes to the land--even if the changes that landowners propose would benefit the environment.
Even if you live in the city, you can be affected by this rule change because cities and counties would be subject to new rules or standards that will increase the cost to citizens by requiring increased  permitting of more ditches  that will be more time-consuming and expensive for local and state  governments. 
You can learn more about the impact of this law change and how you can help oppose this law   at Ditch the Rule.
We already follow rules enacted by the Clean Water Act and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and  use best management practices that help us to protect our natural resources for our cows, our family and our community. 
I support Ditching this Rule!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dairy Sustainability Insurance

Dairy farmers don't talk much about being "green" or "sustainable" because we have been practicing environmental stewardship every day for generations. Protecting the land,water and air on the farm is what I consider insurance for the continuation of our family farm for future generations. The environmental impact and profitability of small or large farms is improved with the efficient use of natural resources. Since 1985 our farm has been permitted by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. This permit allowed us to build holding areas for liquid and dry manure and use the nutrients to fertilize the soil under the guidance of certified nutrient management plans. Nutrient management plans are developed using sound science and designed by professioinal environmental engineers working with the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Proper handling and use of manure aids in fertilization of the soil, conserves water and protects air quality. As I was listening to the staff member from the Environmental Protection Agency talk to dairy and poultry farmers this week in Northwest Arkansas, I thought about how we work every day to live the dairy industry's definition of sustainability--"providing consumers with the nutritious dairy products they want in a way that makes the industry,people and the earth economically,environmentally, and socially better--now and for future generations." You can find more information about how dairy farmers care for the environment at Sharing information about how we care for our animals and the environment is an added feature of my sustainability insurance policy!