Showing posts with label Dairy Farmers of America Cooperative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dairy Farmers of America Cooperative. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Members of Arkansas Farm Bureau are in Little Rock this week for 
the annual convention which includes the policy development process of
the organization. One of the issues of discussion this year is in regard
to reforming Federal Milk Marketing Orders.  It's a complicated 
subject and definitely not for light dinner conversation! 

I do appreciate the importance of the Federal Orders in  providing 
 stability in the milk marketing process and ensuring that milk
 is available to consumers across the country. 

As I have been learning more about the Federal Milk Marketing 
system,my appreciation has grown for how hard our
 dairy cooperative works to market  milk for all of its members.

It's a great honor to be a dairy farmer working everyday
to produce high-quality milk for your family and mine

I'm thankful to 
be a member of  a cooperative that I trust to
do the very best job in marketing the milk we produce.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Farm tours are a great way to meet consumers of all ages  to share how
 we work everyday on the farm to produce safe,affordable food.

This week I was privileged to be one of the host farms for the  12th tour
 of Moms on the Farm.   Janeal Yancey, my favorite University of Arkansas 
meat scientist ,organized the first tour in 2012.  Each tour day  includes
  a visit to dairy, poultry and beef farms located in Benton or Washington County.
The finishing touch to the tour is a delicious lunch hosted by 
Arkansas Cattle Women preparing delicious beef recipes.

I'm thankful for the Moms and the few men that braved a 
chilly and windy day to learn about Arkansas farming and food production.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Raise Your Glass for World Milk Day

We're  kicking off June Dairy Month celebrating World Milk Day (June 1)
 down on the dairy farm 
by raising a glass of our favorite ...MILK!

World Milk Day was established  in 2001 by the Food and 
Agriculture Organization  of the United Nations to recognize
 the importance  of milk as a global food.

Behind every nutritious drop, is a dedicated dairy farm family.

We invite you to celebrate with us today  by raising a glass (or two) and
 if you share your toast on a social media channel using hashtags 
#WorldMilkDay or #RaiseAGlass, 
our Dairy Farmers of America Cooperative will donate $1 
to the Great American Milk Drive, up to $10,000. 

Just think how many more of our friends could enjoy a glass of nutritious milk 
by today's #World Milk Day celebration!

                                                        I just love about you?