Showing posts with label Bentonville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bentonville. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Storytelling Celebration

A little more than nine years ago  with the urging of
 Midwest Dairy, I stepped out of my comfort
zone into the world of blogging and social media 
 to tell our dairy story.  Spotted Cow Review 
has been my dairy storytelling place ever since. 

I celebrated my  storytelling adventure this past weekend
by attending the Megaphone Summit 2019 that was held in
my hometown of Bentonville.

Sponsors of the conference made it possible for a wide variety 
of speakers that presented  on all things blogging and social media
 and what I would call "self improvement".
A very big Thank-You to each sponsor and the host 
of the conference Soapbox Influence!

Over the last nine years, I have attended several blogging 
conferences hosted in Arkansas. For me, the very best part of each
conference is the people I have met and the inspiration
I feel by listening to others' stories.

                                                        Cheers to Storytelling!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Spring in Northwest Arkansas is amazing! I didn't think there could be a prettier picture than the redbud trees blooming on East Central Street in Bentonville, until I passed through downtown on my way to a meeting. The tulips were singing Spring! I'm thankful for the beauty of this season and for the blessing of  blooming trees and flowers.