Showing posts with label Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dairy Nutrition Proud

Last week Ryan and I attended  a national nutrition conference
  in Little Rock sponsored by the National Dairy Council
 and the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, one of  six national human
 nutrition centers in the United States.

The Arkansas Children's Nutrition  Center is a partnership between
 the Arkansas Children's Hospital, USDA-Agricultural
 Research Service and the University of Arkansas Medical Center with a mission to 
conduct cutting-edge research to understand how maternal-child nutrition
 and physical activity optimize health and development.

Ryan and I  were invited   to give our dairy farmer perspective
 on our role in dairy nutrition and health and wellness  from down on the dairy farm.
It's an honor and  always fun to be invited to share our passion for dairy!

Best of all, we listened to these two Arkansas  students describe
 the impact of the  dairy farmer funded  Fuel Up to Play 60 program.
You couldn't help but be dairy proud!

Not only are dairy farmers improving the nutrition of students, 
we are providing lifelong skills in leadership and health and wellness.

And to top it off, we enjoyed beautiful and nutritious dairy products!