Showing posts with label Arkansas Century Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arkansas Century Farm. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Century Farm Barn Preservation

More than one hundred years ago, this barn was the hub of the everyday
farming operation.  Ryan's grandfather Grover milked cows
 in this barn and used it to store hay and grain.  During World War II, 
Ryan's mother milked cows in this
same barn while his father was stationed in Japan.
Even though  the everyday activity of this barn has changed,
it is still used for storage and provides a reminder
of its history on  our century farm. 

It seemed the right thing to preserve this part of our 
farm history by adding new tin and new doors to 
this important part of our family and farm history.

The barn certainly dresses up my calf pictures!

More importantly, the barn can continue to
be used daily and preserved for others to enjoy
as our  rural farming area in Benton County
continues to blend  into city life.



Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday

   In 1919 a land deed was recorded in these historical record books

  at the Benton County Circuit Clerk's office.  

Earlier this year, I made my journey to the office to locate the

 recorded deed  for our farm so that we could make application to

                the Arkansas Century Farm Program.                

.                                                As I turned the pages in those big old books,

                     I felt like I was stepping back in time looking at the names on each

                          page, hand written with the most precise beautiful penmanship.

                                      When I found  the recorded deed for our farm, 

                                                     I felt like I had struck gold!

Even though I have only been a part of the farm for 37 years,
I have been blessed to be a part of the ongoing farming operation, raise
the fourth generation on the farm, and enjoy sharing our love of the farm 
with the fifth generation.

Before leaving the Capitol,
we made a stop at the Arkansas Treasurer's office
so Hattie could check out where our state tax dollars are kept
and the chance to hold almost a million dollars!

I couldn't help thinking about how proud my mother-in-law
Bonnah Lyn would have been on this special day 
for our farm and family.

Without a doubt, she would say,
"my family, the best crop I ever had!"

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Last year we were looking up information about our farm to see if we
could qualify to be recognized as an Arkansas Century Farm. 
Sure enough, the land where our house and the dairy sit was purchased in
1919 by Ryan's Grandad Grover Bagby. 

Although we had the abstract for the land purchase,
I also went to the County Circuit Clerk's office and looked up
the county deed records. It was quite a fascinating process to hold
those records from so long ago filled with beautiful handwritten documentation
of the history of land in Benton County.  

Dairy farming has been a part of the farming on this land for 90 years. 
On April 16, Ryan completed 50 years of milking dairy cows on the family farm.

I'm so thankful for the 37 years that I have been a part
of the dairy farming life.  Taking a city girl  and training
her was no easy job for the farmer!

Although we won't be milking cows,
I can still look out the kitchen window watching the
dairy heifers and beef cows enjoy these  early  spring
pastures  and give thanks for the blessings of farm living!