Showing posts with label April. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

April's Foodie Holidays

Had you heard that April brings a lot more than  showers and spring flowers?
According to my friends at Midwest Dairy and the Kansas Farm Food Connection,
we've got  5 Foodie Holidays to enjoy in April!

April 2--National PB and J Day

   April 11--National Cheese Fondue Day

 April 12--National Grilled Cheese Day

 April 20--National Cheddar Fries Day

     April 30--National Oatmeal Cookie Day

It's no April Fool's joke...
each special holiday is made for enjoying dairy foods!

                                          I'm pledging to celebrate these special  dairy holidays.
                                                                     How about you?