Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thank-you Veterans

Veterans Day, also known as Armistice Day, pays tribute to all American veterans.
Living or dead, we pay tribute to all American Veterans and give thanks
to those who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.
President Woodrow Wilson declared "Armistice Day" on the first
anniversary of the end of World War I on November 11,1919.

Ryan's dad, Bill, served during World War II.
Fortunately for our family, he returned to our family farm
 after serving in Japan.

Ryan's Mom and Dad married before he left for his
service in Japan.
It's hard to imagine the sacrifices of the men
and women just like Ryan's parents who
left farm and family to fight for the 
freedoms we enjoy everyday.

During the years when Bill was serving,
Bonnah Lyn continued to farm with
her father while waiting on Bill's return.

Words seem totally inadequate when you think of 
the sacrifices made by families across America
during times of war but these days of
celebration give us the opportunity to
stop and give thanks for every Veteran.

From down on the dairy farm,
Happy Veterans Day!


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Blessed Americans

Regardless of living in the middle of a pandemic and
the unrest in our country at this time,
we are blessed to live in this great nation and call ourselves 

July 4th gives us the opportunity to celebrate all that 
we are as a nation and to appreciate all those that
have worked, struggled and sacrificed to bring us to this point in time. 
We are not a perfect nation because we are an imperfect people.
It is our duty to strive to be better on every level.

As we work today down on the dairy farm, 
we are celebrating the fact that we have the 

freedom to farm,
                                     freedom to work everyday to provide food for Americans,

                                              the freedom  to  celebrate what July 4th means
                                                    with the next generation of Americans.

                                                           God Bless America!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Everyday

We might not be farming today if it were not for the
 brave men and women who sacrificed for our freedom.

As I walk by the old hay barn everyday where Ryan's Mother
 milked cows during World War II, I can only imagine
the pain and suffering of our friends and neighbors who 
endured the loss of their friends  and  family members during 
times of war.

I can never repay them but I will never forget them.

Memorial Day is not just a day...
it is everyday.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Freedom to Farm

My Country,'Tis of Thee

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing: 
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrims pride.
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring.
                                          --Samuel F. Smith

                                     Words are inadequate to express my thanks and gratitude
                                       for the men and women who have given their lives to
                                                          insure our  American freedoms.

May we never forget.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Reflection

Even though it's another day of work on the dairy farm,
Memorial Day for us is always a  time
 for remembrance and thankfulness for the men and women 
who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we have the
 freedom to farm and all the freedoms we Americans enjoy.

Ryan's Dad served in Japan during World War II.
 Fortunately for us, he did return home.
Although he  never talked about the war, 
we knew it was  a life changing experience from the way he 
loved us and shared his love of country.

We must never forget the sacrifices of those serving to protect our freedoms .
I'm grateful for this day of remembrance across our great nation.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Parades, rodeos, fireworks, a good hotdog, homemade ice cream---
Happy Birthday America! 
I'm thankful for our country and the freedoms that we enjoy daily.
God Bless America!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God Bless America

        Last night at 5:30p.m.  when I went to attend a committee meeting at the Benton County administration building, people were lined up outside in front of the building and across the parking lot  waiting to cast their vote. Even though the election officials have been talking about the large number of people that will be voting in this general election, seeing the number of people waiting to vote reminded me of how fortunate we are to live in such a great country. Even with our problems, America is Blessed!

                                                          My Country 'Tis of Thee

                                                            My Country, 'tis of thee,
                                                            Sweet Land of liberty,
                                                            of thee I sing:
                                                            Land where my fathers died,
                                                            Land of the pilgrims' pride,
                                                            From every mountainside,
                                                            Let freedom ring!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom to Celebrate

Happy July 4th! Our traditional holiday celebration begins after all the daily chores are done on the dairy. Our celebration will include a picnic this evening in a shady area next to our largest pond that we call Anglin Lake. Anglin Lake is actually a spring fed pond that we enlarged by joining two smaller ponds together several years ago. Our traditional picnic spot is perfect for watching fireworks from the surrounding cities of Centerton,Bentonville, Rogers and even a few from Springdale. With the rain we are having today, we can also plan to shoot a few fireworks of our own without the fear of setting a fire!

Today's celebration would not be possible without the dedication of the men and women who have served and are presently serving our country to protect the freedoms we enjoy today. Ryan's father,Bill, served in Japan during World War II. As a family we appreciate the sacrifice that members of our military make to serve our country. July 4th is not only the time to celebrate America but also to remind us of how blessed we are as a nation!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

America,the Beautiful

In 1893 Katherine Lee Bates was inspired to write the words to the song, America,the Beautiful, when she reached the top of Pikes Peak and looked at the beauty from the top of the mountain. We will be singing this very song today at the Vaughn Presbyterian Church as we give thanks to God for the freedoms we enjoy in our country and the beauty that surrounds us.

America,the Beautiful

O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain.

For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain!

America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood,from sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet, whose stern,impassioned stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat, across the wilderness!

America! America! God mend thine every flaw,

Confirm thy soul in self control, Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,

Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!

America! America! May God thy gold refine

Till all success be nobleness and every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years

Thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears!

America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!