Showing posts with label AR family farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AR family farm. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Thankful Thursday

After the chores were finished, our family  gathered around the table for
our traditional  July 4th picnic supper in the cool of the air conditioner and
then made our journey to the pond for a fantastic fireworks display.
We all have a few mosquito and chigger bites but it was worth it
for the fun we had.
I am thankful for the many July 4th  memories we have
 made in this pastoral spot on the farm,

for the curious guests that joined in the fun until the first 
fire cracker was lit,

for the two inches of rain we received that 
allowed us to plant  part of our fall crop,

 for the freedoms we enjoy every day!

                                                            God bless America!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thankful Thursday

It may be too cold or  wet for pasture grasses or crops to grow,
but you can always count on the weeds to take advantage of the 
worst conditions!

We were grateful for the two days without rain that allowed 
Cody to begin weed control spraying in the pasture next to the house.
This pasture has a variety of Bermuda and other mixed grasses that
will grow much better with less competition from the weeds and make
a more nutritious  hay bale for our cows to enjoy.

If you look closely, you can see a couple of extra heads in the 
tractor cab.  

Hattie and Breck didn't waste the opportunity 
to ride in the tractor with their Daddy.

I am thankful that we can share life on the farm with 
our family and celebrate the milestones of 
each year  with those we love the most!


Friday, March 20, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

      Although life on the dairy farm this week  has been much the same with
milking and feeding the cows and performing the daily chores 
 required in caring for our animals and the land everyday,
we have all been impacted personally by the impact of COVID-19
on our families and communities.

As each day this week has unfolded with a new request to 
change our schedules or conveniences to protect our 
families and communities,a new awareness for what we 
 easily take for granted has been exposed.

Change can create a lot of chaos but it also brings to light 
those things we hold most dear.

I'm thankful for the opportunities during this stressful
time of change like  the moments of fun and silliness
with my grandchildren

the joy  in  celebrating  my very sweet and special
Mother's 89th birthday!

                                   "whatever is true, whatever is honorable,whatever is right,
                                  whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute,
                                  if there is anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these                                                          things."
                                                                                         ---Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dairymom'sThankful Thursday

                        What's not to love about this picture of spring down on the dairy farm!

We have calves born through out the year but spring calving adds a 
little more stress as we closely watch our heifers give birth to their first calf.
We're on call 24/7  to ensure a healthy delivery.

I'm thankful for the awesome responsibility we have to care
 for our cows, heifers and calves and  to share the life experiences with 
the next generation of our family farm.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for...

Beagle, our crazy four wheel riding farm dog,

                                                                    a new fall calf,
                                                to hear the  word "cow" from the youngest
                                                        member of our dairy farm family.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for the August rain that has made  this second cutting 
of hay grazer forage possible,

brought a smile to the farmer's face when  finding filled out corn ears
 that will soon be turned into feed for our dairy cows,


                                 provided the opportunity to hear one of Hattie's new words,
                                                                          " rainin' "!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

When I take pictures like this, I always get a smirk or a grin. 
They just don't understand  how I love watching them work together.

Although the look of a family dairy  farm and the technologies have changed,
we still have the same values of caring for the land and animals.

I'm thankful that our two sons, Cody and Casey, 
work with us every day down on the dairy farm.

                                           I love that they have finally grown into these hats!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Dairy farmers in Northwest Arkansas can be found celebrating
 June Dairy Month in the hay field!
Today's hot,sunny weather  was perfect for cutting,baling and 
wrapping hay for our dairy cows. 

I find it amazing to watch this process...

                                I'm thankful for the two sons who work on our Arkansas dairy
                                  farm  to make sure we  have quality feed for our dairy cows.