Showing posts with label #beef #ARfarm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #beef #ARfarm. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thankful Thursday


                            It was a little easier to take those bitterly cold temperatures this month

                                                      when we received the gift of snow.

I am thankful for the beautiful snow days.
The blanket of snow makes everything look so pretty.
 Even though the daily  chores continue
regardless of the weather, there is  a joy in 
the beauty a snowy day provides.

The cows are fed a little more hay and grain  to
 meet their nutritional needs during extreme cold weather.

Big round hay bales are  unrolled to  provide a soft,
 warm place for cows to rest during snowy weather.  

Checking water hydrants and breaking ice on the ponds when
necessary are also part of the snowy day protocol.


                                             While I'm hoping for another snow day this year,

                                                               I'm thankful for this one!