Showing posts with label #Megaphone19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Megaphone19. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

"Foodie Friday"  was a fun food experience provided
during the Megaphone 19 Influencer conference.
We started the event by tasting our way through local food businesses at 
8th Street Market  and ending with cheese and wine pairing.

My favorite experience was the demonstration of Brightwater 
culinary chef Aria Kagan making Fresh Mozzarella.

Chef Kagan gave us the step by step directions.
Although she made it look easy, I think I would want to practice a few times before
the party!

Fresh Mozzarella requires the use of  a water bath made of 4 cups warm 
water plus 2 Tablespoons salt and 2 pounds of fresh Mozzarella curd.

My friend Kerri captured the fun part of this recipe perfectly as Chef Kagan 
was working with the cheese.

I may never attempt making fresh mozzarella but 
I am thankful to be a producer of the milk that brings great joy 
And provides many delicious and nutritious dairy foods.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Storytelling Celebration

A little more than nine years ago  with the urging of
 Midwest Dairy, I stepped out of my comfort
zone into the world of blogging and social media 
 to tell our dairy story.  Spotted Cow Review 
has been my dairy storytelling place ever since. 

I celebrated my  storytelling adventure this past weekend
by attending the Megaphone Summit 2019 that was held in
my hometown of Bentonville.

Sponsors of the conference made it possible for a wide variety 
of speakers that presented  on all things blogging and social media
 and what I would call "self improvement".
A very big Thank-You to each sponsor and the host 
of the conference Soapbox Influence!

Over the last nine years, I have attended several blogging 
conferences hosted in Arkansas. For me, the very best part of each
conference is the people I have met and the inspiration
I feel by listening to others' stories.

                                                        Cheers to Storytelling!