Showing posts with label #HaveFunAtWorkDay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #HaveFunAtWorkDay. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

January must know her days are limited as she brought us 
chilling temperatures and a skiff of snow just at calf feeding
time this morning.  
A new baby and her mother were just what I needed to
warm my heart on this cold January morning.

After all the calves were fed their morning milk and grain,
we picked up the baby , transported her to a warm calf
hutch and walked her mother to the milk barn.
It's my job from this point to monitor and care for the 
baby. High-quality milk begins with a healthy cow and
it begins on this very first day.

Who else gets to feel such joy and can describe having
fun at work more days than not!
I'm thankful!