Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thankful Thursday

It may be too cold or  wet for pasture grasses or crops to grow,
but you can always count on the weeds to take advantage of the 
worst conditions!

We were grateful for the two days without rain that allowed 
Cody to begin weed control spraying in the pasture next to the house.
This pasture has a variety of Bermuda and other mixed grasses that
will grow much better with less competition from the weeds and make
a more nutritious  hay bale for our cows to enjoy.

If you look closely, you can see a couple of extra heads in the 
tractor cab.  

Hattie and Breck didn't waste the opportunity 
to ride in the tractor with their Daddy.

I am thankful that we can share life on the farm with 
our family and celebrate the milestones of 
each year  with those we love the most!


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