Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Earth Day is Everyday

                                    Down on the dairy farm, Earth Day is Everyday.  

                                 We don't just say that, we live it...EVERYDAY!

                                                     It starts with cow care. 

                     The carbon footprint of milk has been  reduced by 63 percent due  to       improvements in animal breeding, animal  health   programs,  cow comfort            measures   and overall  farm management   practices.

                         Everyday we feed our cows a nutritious, balanced diet.

Everyday we  follow regulations and best management practices to protect
the environment for our cows, our family and our community.

Everyday we recycle the cows' manure to fertilize crops that we
raise to feed the cows.

Everyday we strive to produce high-quality nutritious milk by caring
for our cows and the land we call home.

Earth Day really is Everyday down on the dairy farm!

Happy Earth Day!

1 comment:

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